Angelina Jordan was 13 when her shortened Bohemian Rhapsody was recorded. She has recently turned 19 & is now the most amazing vocal artist of my lifetime & her career is really just beginning.
I am here to hear and see Angelina Jordan, watch her videos! she is a wonder woman !!
I used to sing that Elton John song to my daughter every night. It brings back such beautiful memories ❤️
😊😊😊😊 The remaining members of Queen allowed Angelina Jordan to copyright her arrangement of Bohemian Rhapsody! Angelina Jordan is no longer a talent, but a world-class singer! The remaining members of Queen allowed her to copyright her arrangement of Bohemian Rhapsody! Angelina Jordan is no longer a talent, but a world-class singer! 😊😊
Angelina Jordan is amazing. Her story is amazing from the fact she won Norways got talent when she was 7 years old (Which is even more impressive seeing as Norway seems to have a massive amount of absolutely incredible singers every year across their country bringing us stars like Sigrid and the Incomparable Aurora Aksnes. Down to the fact that Angelina also never wears shoes when she performs as a tribute to when she was little on holiday in a poor country and seen a young homeless child without shoes and gave her the shoes from her own feet she is beautiful, talented to the extreme and so humble and yet so incredibly unique and gifted. It’s a wonder she isn’t a household name by now being played on radio across the world. I have been fortunate enough and old enough to have seen Freddie Mercury and Queen performing live back in the 1980s and whilst I don’t think anyone will ever out perform their own original rendition of the song. I still have to say that Angela‘s own composition of this classic rock ballad as far as cover songs go as the most unique and most beautiful version of the song I have ever heard outside of the original. I mean, let’s face it if you have seen Freddie Mercury perform live in his prime you would understand that guy was from another planet. 🪐 But Angelina takes me to another planet she 100% lives up to her namesake and is definitely an angel 😇. Sadly in spite of the fact that she got the golden buzzer for this song that she didn’t make it through to the top five with her cover of YellowBrickRoad by Elton John yet I felt that she deserved to advance in my opinion. She was definitely in the top five but I’m not a judge on the show and I don’t think it’s totally fair that such a talented extremely young singer with such unique vocals should even be judged by some of these judges when 1 is an ex model and the other is an ex- comedian (please don’t get me wrong. I love the judges, especially Howie) but I don’t think that neither him no Heidi Klum should be judging music of this level just because they enjoy music yet are not musicians themselves. They like the technical knowledge to understand just how amazing this composition was and how brilliant Angelina”s vocal runs were, all the unbelievable level of control in her voice from start to finish without any errors at her age which I have found that people who are often technically perfect vocally often end up feeling very stagnant and sterile and often times to reach a deep emotional connection to an artists listeners and be able to tell a story usually have to sing from the heart rather than focus on being technically perfect yet somehow she manages to do both and has been doing so since she was a young Child. Normally I would’ve said she should have won the show however there was some tough competition that year on AGT and I feel that despite the fact that I loved horrendous of YellowBrickRoad it is not one of my favourite songs from Elton John and I think that perhaps her song choice May have cost her getting into the top five. Having said that, as a male Australian music lover in my 50s, enjoying beautiful music from people of all ages and almost all genres that even today she is still only 19 years old and most people’s vocal talents keep growing well into their 20s still gives me hope that her career may still Flourish further than it already has I mean the girl still tours around the world but she should definitely have her name up in lights and I will forever be a fan of her voice and her talent and her songwriting abilities. And I cannot wait to see what the future brings for her ❤ PS for those of you that took the time to read my entire comment I thank you and apologise for such a extremely long and detailed comment but I feel very strongly about this girl and her musical career and I was praying that she would win that year. She’s one of my all-time favourite performers on any talent show. And I am probably her biggest fan in Australia. 😍🎶🎼🎤
There were so many goosebump moments, but when Brian Justin Crum sung CREEP, that was a moment that should have gone down in history. Absolutely faultless. ❤❤
I did like this video. Especially I loved listen to Angelina Jordan, 13 YO! Afterward I wondered why I dont hear these great talent on the radio, on tv shows etc.? I'm 80 YO and have loved music my whole life. These young talents are the future! Angelina Jordan gives so much Joy and happyness in my life ❤️ What an artist. Wow Erik 🇩🇰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Years later, Angelina Jordan's performance still gives me goosebumps.
I’m pretty sure she could sing anything and mesmerize us all
Angelina......amazing ❤
Angelina Jordan’s version of Bohemian Rhapsody is hands down the best I’ve heard. She’s so good even her other songs were cool.
They are all incredible, but Janet Devlin is adorable and has the sweetest voice., her Irish accent gives her voice such an angelic sound.
Call me crazy, dude in the middle snuck in with that. It was fun and all but didn't compare to any of the rest of these masterful moments. 😂
Все талантливые!!!!очень хорошая подборка!!!Душевненько!!!
Never better than the original, just a tribute and putting yourself on stage to be evaluated. A cover will never be better than its creator.
Cuánto talento,madre mía!! Pedazo de cantantes con mayúsculas ❤
Angelina Jordan ans hundereds of many others voices that we heare through all thé countrys on thé stage coule stop WAR in thé world
🔤🙋everone has fun watching the video ❤👍💯 amazing beautiful so good