
What an awesome Royal Rumble moment between Rey Mysterio & Penta! 🔥🔥


Penta looks like a member of the Lin Kuei


Dos grandes luchadores. De sangre azteca


Two of my favorites


Saw you on Monday night Raw bro, awesome


the battle between the Mexican wrestlers


Penta no está a la altura de Rey Misterio JR, por eso Rey misterio JR es un ídolo consagrado de la lucha libre mexicana e internacional.


Penta was able to play again cause it was a botch


Please bro open live stream


Número 1 rey misterio 🎉🎉🎉


1:57 look its clearly penta foot touch ground. He eliminated alreadyy


Both feet touched or they would of showed a reply


Pinta and ray. Awesome


Rey past thr torch


ارسلي البث تراني خرجت بالغلط ومعد اعرف ادخل عليه


Hall of famer rey let's go 💪🥰


Mexican power 🇲🇽


It hurts to watch. What happened to Pro Wrestling.


😊 además el rey misterio ya perdió su máscara


Si toco el suelo en la salida del minuto 2 phenta