
What Mexican dish is the best?!
Do you agree with our Mexican moms choice


The tension!!!! Hahahhaa they are not a match hahahahah


Yipes! Maybe it's better if these two do things separately. Oil and water.


I agree with the caldo de pollo, everyones gramma makes it, even in the summer lol


Lucy didn't understand that it's the BEST mexican food, not the one that represents the most, lol.


I agree with the mamás. Pozole is such a rich cultural staple. From pozole blanco to red or green. Nothing says México more than pozole.


This felt like Lucy vs Lulu instead of Mamahs 😭  they are both very proud of their heritage, and of course we all have different nostalgic memories that guide us as to what represents our culture best! Lucy is old school, and Lulu gives me chicana vibes (I know she said she grew up in el rancho) but this video was executed very poorly. Even from the beginning it felt so cooooolllddd, not like our warm funny charismatic mamahs.. these ladies bring their own charm, but I think Lucy and Xochilt have actual chemistry, and Lulu and the mama that tried Olive Garden together (pardon me I couldn’t remember her name at this moment) work very good! But all Mexican dishes are delicious and represent a different part of history! ❤


Tacos losing in the first round was crazy


Love Lucy and Lulu's take on Mexican food go Mamah!!!


Just visited Mexico for the first time…. No idea about chilaquiles, tried them one morning….and then the next and the next and the next😂 love Mexico and the amazing citizens and culture 🎉🎉🎉🎉. The food hit my heart big time.  The foooos at the resort eating granola were missing out


I don’t even like caldo de pollo like that but it’s 100% more representative of Mexico than gorditas. She also got it her way the round before that so she should’ve just let her have that one 

Also, menudo over tacos? Tacos are THE poster food of Mexico and you can put whatever you want in it, including menudo.  Also, I know a lot of Mexicans that don’t like menudo. Rant over 😂


Tamales, tacos and mole not winning made my heart ache. 😂


A homemade tortilla with salt beats everything


Ya need more aunthetic Mexican moms, they lost the Mexican in them! 
They are more like a Mexican/American


You should of had them rank separately, I’m pretty sure we only got lulus opinions 😅😭


Frijoles de la olla should be the winner. And it wasn't even there.


I love Lulu not having patience 😂 it’s a very Hispanic mother vibe


Starting with mole vs enchiladas is just brutal.  I just started the video & can tell this is going to be a bloodbath.


Carne con chile over Mole y’all are fired. This is about what people think of Mexico which involves culture not just your kitchen.


When you visit your folks there's always "Caldo De Pollo" leftovers in the fridge, It lasts foreveeeerr!😂