
Brawl deserves a higher position. He was able to put up fight against a 1v4. Brawl also was able to stand back up after suffering fatal injuries.


It's sad that Megatron got weaker and weaker every movie. In the first movie he was dangerous and could rival optimus in a 1v1 and then onwards he became a pushover. I love the Transfromers Prime series bc Megatron is a menace in there. Transformer Prime 🔛🔝


Brawl should be much, much higher. In the 1st movie he held back and fought Ironhide, Ratchet and Jazz on his own. He only died when he was blindsided by Bee and humans.


"Shockwave can defeat Megatron"  puts him far below Megatron


Shockwave with Driller is SO BADASS!


Scourge isn't a Decepticon,he's a Terrorcon. Going by the badges he has collected, he has killed Decepticons.


Driller being above megaton and sentinel is hilarious 😂


Shockwave was heavily nerfed in the bayverse


My main favorite decepticon apart from Megatron, Shockwave and Blackout. Is Barricade, since he is considered one of the most intelligent transformers within the forces of the decepticon ranks, managing to maintain autobots or even human lives in order to use it for his own advantage in his objectives, or those that Megatron has in mind, of whom he is happy and proud to follow, as are all decepticons. Even due to his short stature, Barricade stands out among the decepticons as one of the deadliest to exist given his abilities to demonstrate during his missions alongside his symbiotic partner Frenzy. He treats the autobots without mercy, regardless of their once allies, oppressively depriving them of their freedom in the firm belief that without Megatron, he and the other decepticons would just be another of those Cybertronians blindly following Optimus Prime.


I think sentinel did much better against Optimus Prime than the fallen did.


I'm guessing this was an antagonist list as a number of the monsters listed were indifferent to the Autobot/Decepticon affiliation but hostile nonetheless. I was a little saddened to see Sentinel Prime listed here, but considering the stakes and loss Cybertron usually goes through, I sort of get it. War often leads people down paths of ruin.


i’ve never understood how prime easily beat the fallen and megatron at the same time but then got cooked by sentinel and lockdown later on in the series.



I understand his brute strength isn't up to some of the Leaders he follows yet his burning talent to finish any job is remarkable...


All jokes aside. @DanCo as a long time subscriber it's nice to hear your words come out more fluently. I remember you yourself made a video addressing your speech. I don't know if you slowed things down or have been taking speech classes or the combination of the two but whatever you are doing, us long time subscribers can tell. I've always enjoyed your videos and look forward to watching more. (Side note) It's going to take some getting used to not hearing some of your words get jumbled up 😅but I'll adjust.


I can now understand why Megatron and Prime have always been butting heads in the BayVerse. They quarrel like siblings under the leadership of Sentinel and when differences in ideas shifted the factions shifted as well. Plus, Megatronus being there to twist his mind didn’t help things for both Cybertron or Earth.


Brawl should’ve been put in like the top 10.

Also you put Lockdown & Scourge here when they’re not Decepticons.Same goes with Battletrap & Nightbird.


2:18 this was the absolute perfect opportunity to say “things are more than meets the eye”


Sentinel and Megatron are both stronger that Lockdown


Thanks Michael Bay 👍 for making Shockwave & Megatron the biggest pushovers ever 😢


My favorite Decepticon would be Star Scream I've always found him to be bad ass and potential leader of the decepticons. Especially in the shows he was my fav but i wish the used him more in the movies...