I love that Peni mentions "Vampire Hunter D". Good reference.
1:14. Jake wants his five bucks back. Marc and Steven are fine with him cracking vampire skulls just to get to Drac.
1:53 oh dont worry Peter they still are, Dracula just happens to be more upfront about his intentions.
2:18 Storm’s “I know Dracula well and I can feel his presence” is amazing. She was turned into a Vampire and became BloodStorm. Which would have made an AMAZING costume option.
Do like the variety of expression here, like Loki's interested in chatting to Dracula, Luna's scratching the city off her tour list, Hulk bragging about being stronger, and then Hela practically slathering over harvesting poor souls. Must suck to think you just got jumped by vampires then an evil goddess condemns you to her realm.
Dracula: “is Moony here?” Minion: “ yes my Lord” Dracula: “Well F..”
1:53 spidey speaking facts 🗣️🗣️
Figured Squirrel Girl would have more a vendetta against Dracula, considering her backstory is she was on the front lines against the vampires before he captured Ratatoskr
So basically If I ever visit New York I must know two things: Be ready to fight a rat for territory Stay tf away from Central Park Got it
I think there's one extra one for Luna. Something involving firing her agent for sending her to Central Park.
Not a single Vampire was seen beside Dracula. Where are these guys?
I'm only here for what moon knight says.
What is the logistic on these short line voices tho. Do the dev have already record this beforehand?
Groot and Jeff the only ones missing in this video
2:29 it's "into this" not "into race" Who thought "into race" made sense for anyone to say?
What on Earth do they mean about Central Park being dangerous, that place is just tourists most of the times I've been