
This looks like a fun stretch even for those non-equestrians among us! Would love to see it as a full class on your channel!


Yes please. I have ridden all my life and stopped a few years ago. I have stiffness in all those spots you mention and hopefully a targeted approach will help, as you are focusing on where I really need it. Thank you!


Yes please. Would love a pre and post ride yoga session


I'm not an equestrian but this looks like a nice flow. Would love to see it as a class.


Yes yes yes PLEASE do a full equestrian yoga sequence! I can't stress how badly I need this


I am so happy to learn that you ride horses! You are right. It is not easy on the body, but it has benefits (being around horses 😊). 
Yes, please! I have been looking for good streching exercises for equestrians. I am sure your instructions would be very beneficial not just for your fan base but also amongst the riders.


Yes! Please share a full pre ride yoga for equestrian’s.  I do your post ride one often 🥰🐎


I would love more equestrian yoga! Yoga and riding are my favorite hobbies. I agree … riding certainly makes you stiff, sore, and inflexible … so thank goodness for yoga!


Yes please! Lifelong rider battling tight hips - could definitely use the help!


Not an equestrian, but an every day stretch is good for everybody! Would love to see this on your channel!


wow horses too and a life that supports health and movement, you are very fortunate


Would definitely love more pre/post ride. Have basically learned your existing riders one by heart from doing so often so would be great to get a new one!


I love this. I am 66 and still riding. I need to do more of this before and after. Thank you!!


I would love to do some of these stretches. They look they could be added to a good sequence in a longer practice


Yes please!!! Both the before and after stretch routines please.


YESS YES YES... I do a lot of yoga to support my riding... I cannot ride without yoga, so equestrian focussed videos would be absolutely amazing... thank you so much!! xoxo


I work as a wrangler and teach yoga for our guest riders twice a week. I take your classes almost every morning as a warm up and would love to see more!


I looove your yoga stretches or practices for equestrian. Riding is rough on my body too, but i love it too much to stop or reducing it. Bring in the pre-riding and post-riding videos! :D


Yes! A whole series🎉


Oh yes. Would love a yoga session for those of us who ride