It is! They’re so convincing you think you’ve found the one…but you’ve found the one demon who will destroy your life. Run!!!
Sadly we are watching these videos trying to look back and see if something was off. After we are caught in the spider’s web.
When it seems to good to be true, and there's just something about them that you can't put your finger on, listen to your intuition that's your soul telling you something is not right, thanks Christina have a great week everyone 🙏🦋
I think I'll become a monk. Constantly watching for relationship red flags is giving me a headache.
Gifts. Beware of gifts. The purposes of gifts are not to express affection, show appreciation, or be a generous spirit. The purposes are (1) to fool you into thinking they are that kind of person, and (2) to instill in you a sense of obligation, so you feel like you can't say no to all the requests that inevitably follow.
A ruthless predator that instinctively lures its prey...
Love bombing happened in my entire marriage, until I discovered he was living a lie and I began challenging his behavior. THEN came his Cheating and all of it.
There used to be a narcissist on YouTube but she deleted her channel. She explained that she loved bombed because that's how she wanted to be treated. Put on a pedestal and worshipped. Since they lack empathy they assume everyone else is like that too. She started to devalue and discard because they weren't treating her that way in return and became resentful.
I had never experienced this before…the extent of the love bombing. Didn’t know the term “love bombing”. A long time friend, I use the term friend loosely now, started love bombing me. Even talked about flying to Vegas to get married. When I began to trust him and reciprocate the words he wanted to hear, he stopped the love bombing and started talking about his past girlfriends and his “hot” neighbor. He lost interest, devalued me, pretended like nothing happened and dropped me like a hot potato. I was so confused !!! I finally discovered what this behavior was and have gone no contact.
The best advice I can give on this subject is to heal your attachment wounds. Become less impressed by people’s words and more by their actions. Lean back and observe them over time and how they move in the world. Let time reveal someone’s true nature to you. See how they react when you want to slow things down. Narcissists can’t keep the facade up for long. Resist the urge to rush in or let them rush you. Time will reveal everything about a person and also the good relationships take time to build anyway. Someone wanting to lock you down straight away is more about possession than love. They don’t really know you at all and that’s what you have to remind yourself of, especially if you know you’re vulnerable because you really want to be chosen. Love is patient and waits and lust rushes. Best quote ever.
Narcissist portrays you as the perfect love of their life. With the passage of time they will take everything from you and will end up depleted, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and probably financially. 💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships
My ex said he loved me in 2 weeks. I'm not sure if he's a narc or not but it made me scared. He didn't know me. He only talked about himself and his job the whole time we ever talked and boom now you love me? And I'm perfect for you, the most beautiful woman in the world, and your soulmate. Yeah, it was cringy every time he said those things. And he repeated it like a broken record no personalized compliments. Bragged to all his cop buddies about me showing them my pictures smh. I'm shy so I don't care about that type of attention. I liked him nothing more. How did we skip the liking phase and go straight to love? It took the fun part out of falling in love. It didn't feel sincere.
Everything that you mentioned was part of the last relationship that I was in. He would throw fits when I tried to slow things down. He was doing the MOST constantly by sending money, flowers to me and even my mom. He was ring shopping and sent my mom gifts and flowers. In one of the deliveries he signed the card "your future son-in-law" I broke things off and have remained no contact.
The Circle of Trauma-Bonding: 1. Idealization Phase = LOVE BOMBING 2. Devaluation 3. Discard 7 Signs of Love Bombing: 1. Very early on telling you, "I love you!" 2. You become the center of their life 3. They ask you very personal questions, especially about your vulnerabilities 4. They can feel like your soulmate or twinflame 5. Everything is over the top 6. The relationship is going much too fast and feels forced 7. This phase ends with breadcrumbing (giving you little hope) or devaluation (you are not good enough) ****************************************** When I met my covert N.he would tell me right at the beginning,"I am different. You will find out over time." It took me 2,5 years to find out HIS DIFFERENCE.. especially # 3 all those very personal questions out of the context were driving me mad.. And yes I first thought that he would be my twinflame because of this very intense connection right from the beginning and nobody has ever triggered me in such a way.. and further on I felt like under a spell all the time. P.S.: Christina, what about your microphone today? your voice sounds like "push & pull"😂
Yes Listen To Your Intuition Is Good Advice. Unfortunately Most Of Us Get Separated From Our Intuition In The Process Of Socialization.
Interesting that 5-6 out 7 I was guilty of and she was the narcissist. Within a loving context many of these things are natural. The difference is authenticity. I love-bombed out of love. Narcissists love bomb out of manipulation.
I’m sorry but I have to add this; if we fall for love bombing what does that say about us? Why are we so starved for love that we ignore our logic and continue to be spoon fed / force fed. I understand that I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t go through all the narcissistic abuse I went through but I understand now in hindsight how falling for a narcissist and their manipulation is a gauge on our own emotional health.. i believe if I wasn’t so depressed, wasn’t still hurting deeply inside due to unresolved trauma, wasn’t so lonely because I kept myself isolated and didn’t have the energy and ability to connect with others, I wouldn’t have fallen for their crap. I’m grateful now that I can spot a narcissist a mile away and can avoid them. My point is that if there’s a lesson to learn from these types of relationships it’s to truly look inward and take stock of our own emotional health.
I am using this to help me discern whether he is lovebombing or genuine.😊 we have not talked on the phone, video chatted or met in person yet.
No gray matter in their brains no empathy at all of try to mirror ours. Condition love. 23 years with my husband learning. He has all the signs of covert narcissist. His whole family are blind and don’t care about the truth. He can’t change and says he isn’t changing period. 2 kids together so I working on a it. Thank you for sharing!