To infinity and beyond!!
Man went to the moon🥷🏼
I knew he was in trouble as soon as he started rolling down the windows. 😂🤣😂
“He’s gone. Snow’s got him.” 🔰
this is awesome! ❄
10 points for balls. 0 points for everything else.
Do they ever break their legs or back? Or is there enough powder to cushion the fall??
Bezwzględne piękno, ależ skok marzeń, właściwie sam bym tak kiedyś chciał ✊☝️
Ritch’s roll is the biggest wow
You haven’t seen Candix Thovex on it’s good days …
Who else thought it was a dude following him and not a drone at first
That’s how I felt over the weekend when I sent a roller thinking the jump line was progressive and landed far in the flats. Just dropped out of the sky thinking you fucked up.
This comp was wild!
This is more like a ski-jump the one you see on tv. Also the way he spread his legs at the end kind of reveals it. The landing needs more work though.
That jump is so inviting
He so definitely could have held for the second one it would have been a perfect landing
That one dude that Fell from 40 meters thinks like 😂😂easy
He definitely tried to fly shaking his arms after realize he did a mistake