
We definitely need cross play and cross save in Monster Hunter soon!

Edit: Also, it would be nice if it's on by default but allow players to disable it if they just don't feel like playing with other platforms.




A cross save would be fantastic! I’ve grinded too much on the Switch version to wanna do it all over again 😩


Adding cross-save would be nice


I’m glad more people can enjoy this amazing game


If this had cross-play or even cross save this would be great but at least more people get to play it. I probably won't be jumping in again


I’ve been playing since day one on Switch and all I can say is anyone new is in for such a treat


Holy moly! I can play the game on my ps4 with World! Thank you Capcom


It doesn't have cross-play/cross-save. 

At the end of the page:

* This game does not support cross-play or cross-saves with other platforms.
* PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 players can match with each other for multiplayer.


This is HUGE for MH, hopefully means plenty more free updates on the future!!


Us hunters would love CROSSPLAY/PROGRESSION


Feels like they are pushing these changes as a test for the next MH game. I'd imagine that the next MH will be something that follows World's style + Rise mechanics, will be out on every platform at the same time and also have Crossplay (because of the survey they did a while back about this subject). They know what we want, and the MH team is one of the few DEV teams that does what's best for their players. Thanks for taking such good care of the franchise, Capcom&MH team!


This would be awesome if they added cross-save. Glad more people can play the game, though.


I would buy this game again in a heartbeat if cross saves existed


This is just incredible!


I've been playing on PC and don't have any of the included consoles but I am SO HAPPY that MH listens to It's fanbase and brought Rise to more platforms. It's really amazing that the MH fanbase gets to expand more, and more people can enjoy the game. :)


Omg! Cross play and cross save NEEDS TO HAPPEN! If there’s even a chance to do I’d happily buy 5 more copies (whole fam needs to play)


imagine how officially cracked this game will be since its not restricted to the switch


The cross play we want so bad 🥺


Thank you, Capcom! Now more people can get into the Monster Hunter craze, including me! 😁