biblically accurate broth
Dang, that thumbnail is a new level of cursed even by Hat standards
I cannot describe how much I hate this thumbnail lmao 💀
Yet another classic that makes me hope even more that the Hat boiks do an end-of-the-year thumbnail ranking.
sips a big gulp of unsee juice
Laughing so hard over Smith's childlike " I'm going to heaven early, yay!" Just imagining a child being told he's got a serious illness and that he's not got long left, and then that being his reaction
Another in the cursed thumbnail collection. Looking good Woss_ legendary Minecrafter and golfer.
smith willed that thumbnail into existence, its the worst thing ive seen all week, i will think of this for months
Ross made a subtle "Long way round" reference. Long way round and long way down are two Ewen McGregor documentaries where he shows the world just how NOT obi wan he is and what a spoiled winy little brat he is. How he makes all the wrong choices, many of them based simply on how expensive a thing is making it better. These are two of my favorite pieces of media ever. Him trying to get that GIANT bmw motorbike all over eastern europe was chefs kiss x1000. Thank you for reading this entirely unrelated comment about nothing of value.
Mastered the art of the thumbnail
Another thumbnail for the hall of fame
Can't decide if worst thumbnail, or best thumbnail.
Smiffy's mausoleum will have his LARP character's name on the front and other, lesser LARPers buried with him inside to serve him in the afterLARP.
Jack, you are a hero! I loved the thumbnail 😂
HP Lovecraft got nothing on the cosmic horror that is this thumbnail
The sigh that I sighed when I saw that thumbnail and still clicked through
It doesn't matter how well he does in the beginning, Smith never wins
Are you my real friends? My really real real friends?
I think the thumbnail is pure art, also exactly what Smith wanted to be fair