
For those of you that haven’t taken a thermodynamics course yet, I don’t think you realize how incredibly helpful this video is lol


It is incredible how you can explain complex topic in 20 minutes that everyone grab a basic concept of it. Love it. Keep it going.


About 5 years ago discoved this show. At 69 years old your show now sends me daily down that wonderful rabbit hole... the world wide web gushing with information. I feel like I finally rediscovered the wonder and excitement of a being alive! And ready and armed to discover the unknown with childlike wonder... Thank you all for making life an incredible adventure... again!


I just finished a college level course on thermodynamics. We spent a full day and several homework problems on a carnot heat engine, and it made no sense to me at all. Now it makes sense. Thank you.


I'm a chemical engineer, and I always hated the way they defined Entropy to us in textbooks or how teachers would explain it to us. They say Entropy is  disorder or randomness which never really tells you what it is. I never completely understood the concept but watching this now after all those years it looks like yes it was so obvious, it is disorder now I get it why it is defined asdisorder.


The thing about one photon from the sun turning into several spreading out in all directions answered a long standing question for me - how to explain the way the sun “powers” life on earth in terms of entropy. Thanks!


I remember in my college statistical thermodynamics course the professor said we don't die, we just reach equilibrium.


After doing 6 years of doing gradutate process thromodynamics and then a Ph.D. in Statistical Physics, I wish he made this video a bit earlier. This is one of the most beautiful ways of explaining entropy. And the visuals are simply breathtaking.


This has to be one of the best Veritasium episodes.


PhD physicist and engineer here. This brought an incredibly enlightening perspective for me. I must say, the concept of entropy is not a simple one... Many physicist, also as mentioned in the video, battle to fully understand the concept. This brought it all together for me. I'm having a rough night just deeply thinking about entropy because the concept is far more elegant than i ever imagined it. Thank you for this insanely amazing work.


I did my PhD in biophysics and I love that you mentioned life when talking about entropy. This always confuses people until they realize you’re not a closed system


I'm 5 years experienced mechanical engineering teacher. And I teach on Engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer subject. When I explain 2nd law thermodynamics and entropy to students never could do clearly it. Now i know how to explain why always entropy tends to reach maximum. Thanks


I was a student of physics. Today at the age of 57 I understood what entropy actually means. Thank you.


"What the sun gives us, is a steady stream of low entropy", is the best example for entropy. Thank you for making science more approachable, Derek!


When I was like 9 or 10, I had this little series of books that basically explained different science concepts in a kid-friendly way and after reading the physics one, I kept telling my mom my room was always messy because of entropy 😭😭

edit: for anyone interested in the books, they’re from the Basher Science series!


This has to be one of the best Veritasium episodes. I got goose bumps because of the beauty of the explanation. Science is so awe inspiring.


I really appreciate how the street segment of this isn't just shots of people who've been asked a complicated question and looking confused. It's been such a disease in mainly digital platform interviews for a long time. Pointless humiliation to make you feel like you've somehow legitimized what your video has to say by way of making people look stupid for not having intricate understanding of fields they don't study/work in. You're actually having an engaging discussion with them and matching their energy. It's stimulating and the insight is friendly. It's such a small part of the video yet is a powerful opening, pushing collective thinking and proper lighthearted discussion that stokes curiosity. Good on you.


I have a degree in chemical engineering .. so, I studied thermodynamics for years.   This 20 min youtube video would have helped shortcircuit a year or two of struggling to understand the concept of entropy.

The part about the early universe being uniform and evenly distributed, but low entropy, due to gravity -- was particularly mind-blowing.  That was something that always bothered me about the concept of entropy, at universe-scale.


Truly mind-blowing! ❤