You go girl! Such an inspiration :)
I love your songs
Britt Nicole is my favorite artist!
God bless you, girl! Preach! Btw, 2019, anyone?
Amen! God bless u sister!
I love 2 see stuff like this with 0 dislikes
You're awesome, Britt!!!
Love you Britt Nicole
She is my inspiration! I Love Britt ❤ ♥ ❤
Britt, you inspire me and probably many other people with your song, The song and your voice makes the song really meaningful and powerful! Keep it up, can't wait to hear your new song! <3
Love this song.
youre amazing! God bless
Love this song xxxxxx
i love you britt your always so ispiring
I love God and your so pretty Britt Nicole
yes amen!!.
I still can't believe you are coming to play
You're inspiring
this is great song!!! Me likey<3...Check it out evryone!!