I love Nene and Polka!!💛🧡
NenePol is a duo that distills sugar and fun. Big love for them both.
Men will look at this and go "wives"
My last 2 brain cells waiting for dopamine and seratonin that will never arrive because I stopped taking my meds.
God, the sneezes, always, why so good?
This track has been such a great find. Pure happiness when she sings along.
My wife is so cute!!💛💛
I miss the more goofy bgm, but the way she sings along with this one all the time more than makes up for it.
My two last braincells.
I keep forgetting how BIG Polka's mouth is.
Nepobabies 🥰🥰 . . . Wait that sounds not right
peak content
SO CUTE!! 😭😭
Our wife is so cute.
Thought this was gonna be the max verstappen meme
Super perfect wife.
I love my wife! (Our wife or course).
Waif and fool