Something that doesn't get covered very often is that many clients can not legally accept any deliverables with AI tool usage – including all the way down to the Photoshop Generative Fill. Many broadcast clients require you to sign a "no AI" waiver that puts any legal obligations onto you as the studio/artist.
It's funny that these technologies have disrupted the way a lot people were sustainably making money, leveraging the fruits of those people's labour to create models, just to get in the position where they can lose money on a colossal scale and turn around and tell those people the way they are doing things is now unsustainable. It's easy to disrupt when your undercutting of an industry is funded by billions in venture capital and the raw materials for your projects are "free". I say all this as someone deeply engaged in this tech, it's a bit of a messed up situation. Overall, this was a great overview of everything going on in this space. I just wish ethics was left as a footnote. Ethics isn't just doing good for the hell of it. Ethics can inform responsibility and be pragmatic in its own right. It's not competing with pragmatism or practicality.
Not sure how you managed to discuss AI without mentioning how 'tHiS cHaNgEs eVeRyThInG!!!!' , but you did, and it was well thought out and brilliantly executed.
This video is fascinating and the conversation is more than needed today. Especially because Joey is talking about the business side of the subject, which most artist tend to not dive deep into because it’s out of their field. I was listening from two perspectives- one of a 3D designer and one of a investor who holds stock in AI (I have a few dollars I’m not rich). So for both perspectives the information was really helpful. I can definitely say that I agree with the general statement that AI is not gonna take our jobs, it’s here to help us. It’s like being an accountant when Excel came out, we still have that job, but you don’t need someone making all of math by hand on a calculator. There are a lot of news that some companies are firing people because they can replace them with ai, which sounds terrible and scary, but if you look in more details, that’s not the case most of the time. The company was most probably gonna cut staff because of financial problems so they just put a label AI on that. Everyone, don’t be scared. Experiment with the tools, they are wanky as hell most of the time, but in some cases they help. They are here to stay.
Damn Joey, that was a good breakdown.
really refreshing to hear someone finally talk about the actual objective "usefullness" or lack thereof with ai tools. everyone who talks about it is way distracted by the “impressiveness” of the tech and promise of what it could turn into and needs to take off the hype glasses and actually evaluate how much money it’s actually worth to use these things, because for me it’s incredibly low if no zero 99% of the time. I’d like to see some people actually proposing how to actually use this stuff in genuinely useful ways but I rarely see it in ways that aren’t also super niche. completely disagree about the vibe shift, if anything people were more curious about midjourney dalle etc in the beginning and now it seems almost universally hated among artists. ive also gotten way more sick of machine learning tools and the hype overshadowing everything else, making me a lot less interested in exploring them as well. the hype needs to die. i wish we could go back to seeing more excitement and focus on non-machine learning tools that can dramatically improve peoples productivity, updates to existing software, not everything new needs to be AI. feels like a huge distraction (because of the hype). i also miss ai tools that were being explored more before LLMs and diffusion models took off. reinforcement learning for rigs was a really interesting rabbit hole and i'd love to be able to train characters to act and explore in 3d scenes i build, but its been totally overshadowed by chatgpt etc.
Dang Joey! Thanks for the Brevidy shoutout 🫡
Thank you for all of this thinking. Such a benefit to have your take about this subject combining your motion design experience, your industry's knowledge and with the last recent info, while still being cautious about the speculating. Incredible video !
I love the amount of trust you have in your render output Jo!
Bro, so many golden, chewy nuggets here!! Much respect. Thanks for this.
Best explanation of the current AI world I've seen. At least for our industry. Nice work.
Nice talk about the future. It's refreshing to hear a more positive view. And yes I remember the steam days! Greetings from back in Boston - Brian
this dude giving us some straight daddy knowledge from the 90s! true say man we got way too much AI marketing hype right now it's gonna burst, open AI C suite's are quitting cuz the companies aren't profitable enough
Beautifully explained, sir. I'm a newbie and I doubt this is very interesting
Thanks, that's the most accurate explanation of what's happening with with AI stuff.
Joey, thanks for making this info so accessible to understand. You have your way to make it fool proof
Realistic take on AI. I do have almost the same thoughts about AI for designers.
Fable is already gone?? WHat happened to fable prism, that looked like I would definitely pay for it:)