I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. I have been a nurse for 25 years but I am new to the ICU and you have helped my understanding so much, as I have found the ICU to be a new world. Thank you again.
Thank you Eddie it's always good to have a review that is clear and concise which makes understanding the material much easier. Hope all is going well for you.
Thank you for the videos , I'm going to watch them all because they are really helping me understand the ECGs
Thank you Sir, I appreciate all the valuable lessons you provide to us.
Pefect demo for new students.Must listen this couple time if u can
Very clear introduction. Bravo
You should do a video on treatimg severe delerium tremens as it still results in alot if death
you should do a video on capnography! We're trying to use it more in my ICU, but lots of people don't understand it
literally had an unstable angina pt the other day
How often is this cocaine caused