
AMAZING! The way you handled that play was epic! I'm always looking to improve my AWM skills—recently had a crazy match where I pulled off 7 kills and 8 assists. It’s so satisfying when it comes together!:person-turqouise-waving::person-turqouise-waving::person-turqouise-waving::person-turqouise-waving:


Day 1 of asking you to show us all your gun skins and clothes


Hi friend you are great 👍


Six minutes ago rach ❤


good to see you back.


My comment isn’t the first one on the video😂😂, but I came here to leave a nice one! I’m happy that you’re uploading more frequently now, I’m an Overwatch 2 player, so I don’t get to play PUBG much, but watching you play is really enjoyable! Thank you so much!!!🙏🏻🤗


That 8th kill man 😂


Nice game rachy 💗


Enjoyed wachtcing brother


19:30 😂😂 Pro sniping


I like #1


the graphics are insanee


Good gameplay 👍


joga muito, sou brasileiro e não perco um vídeo seu, posta mais no Instagram! gosto muito de la, eu jogo Pubge e estou level 110 sou novo kkkkk mais admiro vc


Мастер есть мастер класс.😊


New day new video back to back 😊