
BigTugg and Kpop narrowly missing each other like two asteroids


As a metal fan I hate it when other metal fans call you a poser for liking popular artists like Black Sabbath and Metallica instead of some swiss band called Smoking Baby Corpse or something


Fun fact as a metal head. I have a shirt and i have no idea what band it is for. Neither does my partner. We can't read it. And we have no memory of where we got it.


describing metal band name logos as "spiderman shot a load on the wall" is so accurate lul


This autoplayed on YouTube music while I was sleeping, and big tugg showed up in my dream


13:15 Mac miller and lil Wayne are extremely fitting picks for someone who frequently gets called "rat boy"


Jelly Roll is Adele for guys who are forklift certified. Shout out to a random customer who told me that.


I’m actually a fan of country, but not any of the crap you mentioned. Legends like Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Jimmy Dean, and Willie Nelson. Prime country of people who fit the vibe (people who genuinely seemed to care about their music and beliefs) and spent years performing and writing songs near and dear to them. I completely agree with you that modern country is mostly garbage.


0:43 you hit that perfect ad tone, I skipped like 20 seconds just to realize it wasn't an ad


Gather round Tuglets, dad came back with the milk.


Music is NOT real, it’s just a government ploy to sell more headphones


As a metal head, I have no idea what the fuck the different genres are


was waiting for vocaloid fans to get atrociously slandered and yet we escaped scot free


5:40 don’t for get the ACTUAL BAND called “Dying Fetus”
Shits fire af.


To be fair, what you said about metal was kinda true but most metal heads are genuinely chill and absolutely love it when someone starts to get into metal. Unfortunately, some idiots (gatekeepers-the people you were describing) want to keep the genre as exclusive as possible even though everyone else is just trying to have a good time. And even though your not a metal head, you chose two killer albums to represent metal.


As an edm fan, my only instruments are the sine, saw and square wave. Thanks for listening.


I’m a jazz fan and you are just too correct about us. Jazz started out as playing random shit that sounded good until people tried to write it down.


I just love seeing Tugg shit on everything with no filter. I love this dudes rants bro


“I forgot to talk about K-pop…”

Dude just make a whole video about k-pop and k-pop fans 👀 we NEED that video


As a metal fan, I was waiting for you to cover metal and it was glorious.  Actually pretty accurate lol.