1. You judge emotions as good and bad. Check 2. You’re stuffing. Check 3. You’re negotiating. Check 4. You’re shaming yourself. Check 5. You’re catastrophizing. Check 6. You’re checking. Check (didn’t see that one coming) 7. You’re distracting. Check Therapy was amazing to get out of rock bottom, but these videos? These videos are teaching me to fish for a lifetime. Thank you.
My best friend isn’t considered the career “successful” people. But he’s always satisfied and happy and has incredible ability to flush out negativity the next day. In this aspect he’s the most “successful” person I’ve ever known
I'm genuinely glad a person like you is voluntarily giving help to people who are suffering from anxiety and unable to get professional help due to their circumstances. Your wisdom is our bulwark to our personal hardships. Thank you for this. ☺️
I teared up when you said people who have anxiety and depression are not lazy, they've tried everything they could to stop themselves from being pulled off of the cliff. It's just that the struggling is exhausting. It is.
I’ve actually found a method that has helped my anxiety. Of course, no method is perfect. Sometimes, no matter what I do, I can’t shake my anxiety, but this method has helped me more than any other. As much as possible, I try to focus on the present moment. I try to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, such as the gentle breezes of wind on my face, the smell of freshly baked cookies, or the relaxing sound of dripping water. When I fixate on the uncertainty of the future, that’s when my anxiety creeps in, but at the same time, when I reflect on the trauma of the past, my anxiety also starts to flourish. By focusing on the present moment, I alleviate my worries.
This ideal is what transformed my anxiety. I used to have major panic attacks, was caught in a cycle of avoidance and being miserable. When i learned to sit with it, to stop running away, to stop believing that my feelings will overcome me or would hurt me. Once you actually allow yourself to sit with it and let it do whatever it wants knowing it will release itself and that it’s just uncomfortable energy, it’s absolutely transforms it. That’s how i came out of it. I hope this gives hope to some people. It’s possible❤️
I love that you understand how much effort those with anxiety and depression are putting in each day just to function. I think outsiders might see me as lazy but I'm actually exhausted from trying to handle the anxiety. Going to follow your tips. I'm excited I found your videos. Thank you so much.
Overthinking anxiety made me have anxiety about anxiety. Now it's a loop. Trying to be indifferent and not give it attention in Hope's that it will be forgotten.
I often watch this video when I'm experiencing recurring panic attacks (like right now) and just listening to your voice (as well as relating to the content you talk about) really helps me ground myself and calm down. Thank you, Emma -- I mean it.
"What you pay attention to you get more of" Wow! Thank you, Emma.
Just because emotion is uncomfortable doesn't mean it's bad. Among mindfulness characteristics a judgemental attitude towards one's thoughts and feelings is the strongest predictor of both depression and anxiety.
I am not lazy. I am simply putting all of my effort and energy into things that are counter productive. That meant a lot. Thank you for saying that!
10 years ago, I worked in a school that had a lot of problem kids, and I was stressed out. It was my first job, and I felt I had to prove myself. I was overwhelmed, and I made a lot of mistakes tryiing to figure out what to do. I sometimes had nightmares about going to work. In the end, I lost the job, and felt disappointed in myself. Even though, now I can see better. I realized I didn't know what I didn't know. It was the best I could do at the t time. I forgive myself and the people who made my life miserable at that time. I felt like that police officer that has to see horrible things over and over, year after year. You have to remain calm, but deep down inside, you are truely hurt by the situations you have to witness. You want to do more, but you sometimes are helpless.
I think I got so used to having “good days” in terms of little to no anxiety (like 3/10) That I forgot to stop struggling. Mr Anxiety is so funny. I was starting to get anxious that I was anxious fixating on perfection rather than progression. We got this. Just let the anxiety be there. Do not wait for it to leave. Change your reaction to “no reaction” this slowly breaks that fight/flight cycle. Good luck guys 🤍
The severity of your anxiety attack makes me re evaluete my mental health, I thought that it could only be an anxiety attack if you are sobbing out of control, unable to breathe or walk.... Now I realize I had a constant anxiety attack for 2 months feeling sick all the time... Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I hope everyone is having a GREAT, anxious-free day! 🙂
Prayer & Exercise are a great one two punch for mental health.
I'm so glad you mentioned catastrophizing of anxiety symptoms. I can totally relate to that as I suffer from health anxiety for more than a year now. Every pain and ache is a symptom of cancer to me and I have no idea how many times I have diagnosed myself. Thank you so much for all the tips and reminders. I have always returned to your videos for the calm energy and you won't know how much they have helped🙏🙏
I had an emdr session to overcome an adult traumatic event and it went great! Then later that day I had a panic attack that I was no longer panicked! It was gone within 7 minutes. I just said okay, nervous system go ahead and feel it. I do allow myself to go through it safely sitting in a chair with deep breaths.