
Thanks everyone for watching. I know this is not my normal style of Outdoor content but I personally enjoy seeing what others use and thought some of you might as well. Remember you don't need the best gear to get out there or to film. I started with a 720p Fuji DSLR that had crap stabilisation, crappy auto focus and pretty poor quality and one of the Sony Action Camera's that I got for free with a mobile phone around 2013. Just get out there and enjoy yourself.


very informative! I watch your videos while eating my big Sunday brekkie


I must go through all my cameras etc and clean and charge them up.
I don’t use them anywhere near as much as I should.
I have about 4 or 5 Canon cameras with multiple lenses and a few other action cameras that I’ll start using now that I have more free time on my hands. I’d like to start doing some YouTube videos myself while out wheeling and exploring.