
Wait until you all see the A-Rex, the B-Rex and the C-Rex.


Soon the dinosaurs are gonna be running around with guns and smoking cigars...


Movie isn't even Out yet and we Already Know more about the D-Rex than the Movie Makers lol


It really doesn't matter cause the T-Rex will come out on top just like it always does in every fucking Jurassic Park movie.


bro it's like muto in Godzilla 2014😅


Another theory is that it was created more recently, and its DNA was tampered with on purpose.


I think considering that this 'D-Rex' being this old means that it will be a terrifying creature, as we could make a different version of “Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young”. As we could say 'Beware an old creature in the conditions where creatures die young' sort of thing about this creature in my opinion if it is as old as it seems to be, meaning that it may be actually dangerous enough to make Indominus look pathetic for real.


It looks like one of the demons from the PC game Doom 3!


Hard to believe this is the same franchise as the original Jurassic Park. Jurassic world should have been the last one, the Indominous was the perfect villain


If it is really that old, I’m willing to bet that it’s DNA is more valuable than the other three animals the main characters are after.


D rex❌
Muto from godzilla✅


It's enclosure, the suit of the guy trapped in it's enclosure. And all the other lab stuff look way more modern than anything in any Jurassic Park movie.


It’s like a mixture of Muto from Godzilla 2014 and alien 👽


What do you get when a facehugger hug T-Rex? - D-Rex!!


He looks like he's part beluga whale


I can’t wait to see this movie it actually seems good


It looks like a kaiju


I think the drex is more likely to be friendly rather than a savage one. Like a gentle giant that does not want to eat humans. I wish there will be a twist in the story line


Another thing is that they're clones, which can live much longer than actual species. (Literally said in Fallen Kingdom)


It looks like muto from 2014's godzilla.