From what ive heard, the actual game itself is complete, they are now hyper focused on performance. And they've released the beta so they can see the feedback and patch it up before the release IN 4 MONTHS. I have faith that the performance will be much better than world.
thank you guys so much for bringing crossplay into Monster Hunter. My best friend doesn't have a PC that would run Wilds properly (she had the polygon nightmare on her laptop) but we were able to connect and play just fine thanks to her also having a PS5. This is what gaming should be - connecting people regardless of the platform. Happy Hunting!
Really enjoying this beta looks and feels amazing cant wait to play in February
This is why you can’t make a good game without everyone complaining. I remember when mh had a small community back when generations and 4U were out and even freedom unite and people loved the game regardless of its faults. Now that the game got popular people keep finding reasons to bash the game smh. You can’t make gaming community happy anymore with anything. I haven’t played on pc but I’ve played on ps5 and it runs amazing. The game is in beta with 4 months of release. We didn’t even need to have a beta, they chose to give us a sneak peak with a beta that isn’t even the main game and everyone’s complaining wtf. If performance is something you need get better hardware or get a ps5 and don’t worry about it. This is a next gen game. It’s not gonna run as smooth as your typical game
I'm on ps5 and the only issue I've had is a little bit of fuzzy kinda looking image like the frames are kinda slow or something but it still was running amazing for a beta I had zero problems. And all the weapons are so much more fun all the new moves and stuff are incredible I seriously cannot wait the 118 days I'm sooo hyped for this game! I spent thousands of hours is Mhworld I guarantee a few years of my life will be going to this 😆
Please optimize it for PC! The demo is great but runs terribly.
Gameplay-wise, the beta was fantastic. But the optimization is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! Even on minimum settings, the fps is despicable. PLEASE laser-focus optimizing performance until the full release.
Dude optimize the game please, don't repeat the Monster Hunter World incident
To the people asking about fixing the performance. That's assuming you think they won't do it. They done the open beta for a reason. To get feedback from players, see what everyone's experience with the game is from a gameplay standpoint, and fix any bugs/performance issues before they become a problem in the main game. Its valid to treat this beta like its a complete game cuz it genuinely feels like that with how well it plays amidst the performance issues.
Thanks for the early access content on one of my favorite game series. I hope it's been fun for you and take care
Been loving the series to bits for 15 years and this is the first game I'm not able to play because of it running so bad on PC
My version did not look this sharp when I played
- what improvement do you have for this title? - umm... health bar that looks like noodle in heat - ok.... I am back to play monster hunter world
I love this game so far, and it’s only in the beta, but people really need to stop coping, this game needs to be optimized for it to sell well on pc
the switch axe is too weak,please improve the damage of red blade and make the guardpoint stronger. the complete utimate skill need to kill pre cast.
I have no hope for this game optimization. Im still waiting fir dragons dogma to run well
Games is great on PS5 !
I hope they actually learn from the beta and fix that performance.