
Looking for valuable HR resources to help navigate changes like the new DOL overtime rule? Download our free HR guides and tools (Salary Minimum Increase Calculator & DOL's New Overtime Rule Fact Sheet) ----> https://peopleprocesses.com/free-downloads/


for 20 years i was a salaried worker exempt from overtime despite putting in 50+ hour weeks.  Then corporate decided to save money by making us hourly as it slightly reduced our benefits.  I said:  Thank You as my income went up about $50,000 a year.  My pension was based on my total income so during the last 21 years i worked for the company my pension also took a big jump.


Minimum salary plus overtime is a great solution.

We're all overworked and underpaid.


You lost me at 43000 a year. I'm not getting out of bed for that. The people making pulled pork at buc-ee's make more than that.


This is a frustrating new rule! I work at a small university as a licensed professional. Been here 15 years and love my job. My position is 10 months (Aug-May) and having summers off have been a huge perk. Having to "clock in" will be annoying and I can definitely see how employees will be prevented from working overtime. My concern is what happens to my paycheck during the summer months when I am off, once I go hourly? Currently, my salary is spread over 12 months even though my contract is 10 months. I hope there is a way my employer can still pay me over the course of 12 months even though I'll be hourly. I wish there was an option from FLSA to opt in/out for exempt/non-exempt if you're under the threshold - especially for many like me who have positions where working overtime is not an issue.


This one will negatively impact me unfortunately. Government employee, they are very lenient with taking time off on short notice and I love not having to punch in and out. We don't work much beyond 40 hours ever. And the gvmt will not pay overtime when/if they convert us to hourly in December. Thankfully our manager is advocating for us to get a raise, time will tell if that happens.


My wife gets about 37k/year for 25 hours a week at a church as a music director. She’s been in this job for 22 years (in a few different churches) because it works for our family. Sometimes she works less; sometimes she works a lot more. 

Why is the federal government “saving” us from ourselves? This has worked for us since we were married in 2007. We don’t need central planners making our decisions for us. They suck at it and are causing us a lot of stress. She may have to leave a job she loves. This is stupid.


Salary has been a blank check for employers for too long. This is a long overdue change.


About damned time.

I got caught up in the "independent contractor" scamming of the 1980's for sales people like me.  

Then there's the "temporary worker" scam using contract or third party companies. 

Business loves to take advantage of those who make the business work.


Thanks for making a video about this, you broke it down perfectly!


All our 40 hour people were forced to work overtime . Sure they got paid overtime, but it burned out people and they would quit. The hours were long and the work was exhausting. It went on for years. They even did this to part-timers. I quit. The money wasn't worth the damage it did to my body. The medical bills defeated the whole purpose of creating wealth. The long term damage is irreversible.


Looks like remote work without clocking in is going to get really popular..


This was very helpful and clearly explained! Thank you!


I'm curious where you've met a salaried person who works less than 40 hours in the off season.  Generally management staffs correctly for the offseason and just pressures unpaid overtime from their workers during high-workload time, or maybe brings on seasonal help.


We have salary non-exempt employees and that approach is wholly taken advantage of by said employees.


I love the idea of non-exempt salary. For IT people/data center techs especially.


If you get a pay bump without question to the new minimum, chances are you are still underpaid.


My employer did not change us to hourly on july 1st 2024.  They just let us know that jan 2025 we will be hourly.  
We did not get the first phase raise and were still salaried?


Won’t most employers just make these employees hourly and not allow overtime? Nothing over 40 hours


Many of my friends in software have salaries, they take many vacations,or daily naps and so on, barely working hard. That is why we saw so many stories when people working at home take two jobs, making big...