Tim in a world like we live in today, what you and Elizabeth bring to all viewers, are all the wonderful things that use to be! What people don’t realize is, is that they are still here and have never left, and you and Elizabeth gives back in all those areas and we thank you both!! Many blessings always 😊🙏😊
Thank you Tim and Elizabeth, God Bless you ❣️🥰
Tim Janis, you allow us to see you, really see who you are. Your wonderful wife and pets, your love of nature are all a part of you. Thank you so much for sharing. The Holy Scriptures say that when we have been transformed we will see Jesus as he really is—you have allowed us to see the real Tim Janis. Thank you, TJ.
Thank you for taking the stress out of me when I can breathe. Listening to this kind of music can make the whole person adjust their mentality. No matter how hard they worked before, they will turn to ashes at this moment. May we all work hard together. Come on 💪.
3:41 thank you for the peaceful and relaxing moments 🥲🥲
TIM JANIS Está Simplesmente EMOCIONANTE esse vídeo Com Tão lindas imagens de Você TIM JANIS e ELIZABETH Nesse Lugar Encantador Nós envolvendo por essa Belíssima Música Que Toca na Alma Relaxa e acalma nosso coração nos Harmonizando . Não Tem palavras que possa expressar a Beleza de Teus vídeos Desses lugares Deslumbrantes Que você nos proporciona conhecer . Obrigada obrigada obrigada Tim Janis Por esse Trabalho Maravilhoso que prepara com muito carinho Amor e dedicação nós proporcionando momentos de Extrema Alegria no coração Paz na Alma com momentos Relaxantes Harmoniosos .
Those special memories are worth sharing they keep so dear to your heart ❤️😘
Participar de la Belleza del Amor y Unión Eterna de Tim y Elizabeth ! Es gratificante ! Muchisimas Gracias !
Música, lugar, natureza esplêndidos e o amor de vcs que ilumina todo esse cenário . Lindo demais meu querido Tim.
Que essas viagens e essas lindas melodias durem para sempre para o nosso deleite e vislumbres ! Obrigada Tim Janis ! Deus permaneça contigo e tua família 🎋🕊🤍🙏🏼😊💐
Olá Tim Janis desejo uma excelente semana pra vc e sua família muitas Bençãos e proteção divina 👋 estou vendo esse vídeo seu é lindo 💌⭐⭐
"Maine. The way Life Should Be" ✨✨🍂🍁 Loved each second. It was a privilege to visit your mountains. Thank you. 💓💓
Glory to God ❤❤❤
What a beautiful composition put together with you and Elizabeth being playful together and enjoying the fall scenery and carving pumpkins, made my day❤ thanks for bringing blessings to us all 🙏🏽
Wow lindo Tim Reno feliz dia gracias hermoso todo Dios te bendiga🌄🎼🎹🎼🎹🎼🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️❤🎹🎼🌹🌹☕☕♥️❤🎹🎼🎹🎼🎹🎼🎹🎼🎹🎼🌷🍁🌷🍁🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🌷🍁🎹🎼🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
Lindo vídeo Tim Deus continue os abençoando grandemente vc e família,
Me encanta tu sombrero 👒 Elizabeth , happy weekend 🌿🌄🌿🙏
Just beautiful heartwarming noble expression of pure honest love. Nature conspired between the two of you.
The sound of autumn sounds so good, it feels relaxing faster than any song I've heard