
Brilliantly presented, perfect tonality, calm, intelligent explanation, I really enjoyed/liked this post. Well done, and thanks for taking the time to film and post this video!😊


Tube tires easily to remove
Difficult one was tubeless one


Green bike looks really nice 👍


Changing tires is truly a skill. I rather change a car tire.


That's what you call useful knowledge!


I love this kind of videos !


I like the stone feature wall Danny. I've done a few stone walls over the years myself. I've got those evers from aliexpress and i sanded off the sharp points on the end


Super b tool are nice not overpriced compared to other brands


👍 Danny.


I need a rear derailleur for a long distance bike packing bike, what the best price to performance mud resistant / wet conditions sram? One of the eagles? I saw you opinion of the apex 1 / force 1 line was terrible.


Fork the tire wheel!


Some tubeless tires can be a huge pain, but even those, once they have been on the rim for a while become easier to take off, and a used tubeless will also be easier to put on.

However, the tough part with most tubeless tires is when they are brand new and you need to put them on the rim, that is when every single cuss word known to man is needed!   But there is a secret to putting those on.


Nagrywasz dwa razy czynności które robisz na oba kanaly czy tak sprytnie Ci program do obróbki wideo dostosowuje dzwiek do filmu i tylko nagrywasz dzwiek po angielsku?


now show how with a tubeless ready tire on a tubeless ready road rim


The main thing is not to mix up the side of the fork!🤣