This Stark is very sunny and cheerful😂
Hulk don't give the internet ideas
7:33 This interaction goes SO HARD
The different nicknames is smart to avoid impersonators
The fact that the VA is doing a RDJ impression is pretty cool. He really left his mark on this character in a way no other actor really has with their characters.
Not gonna lie, Josh Keaton does a really good impression of Robert Downey Jr.
I like how everyone has like a bunch of lines shit talking Black Widow for being a sniper but Hawkeye avoids all the vitriol lol
8:48 Bros still mad about Infinity War.... and for good reason. THEY HAD! THE GAUNTLET! OFF!
"Not as slimy as you Stark" they really nailed Venom in this game
Im glad they didnt give Tony and Steve any animosity in their interactions. Because sometimes it feels like they ways want those two to always fight.
“I will gather my own board and take them over, HOSTLY!” Is very funny
"I gotta admit, taking out Star-Lord was satisfying." Well a movie Tony and everyone will agree with you.
Josh Keaton is such a good voice actor From Spider-Man From captain America in X-men 97 And now iron man?? This is a dream come true
I love that Magneto is Obi-Wan Kenobi xDD
Iron Man sounds exhausted, my mans is older now
0:42 I don't believe that for a second, Tony.
"I never believe Loki is actually down, is he actually down?"
6:39 Look is Spiderman talking to Spider-Man
Ironman: I own a Lamborghini. T’challa: I have Roy Royce and a Bugatti in my parking lot. 7:49