
Ahh yeah, time to throw my confidence as a guitar player out of the window again


Legend says that he also controled the bus and the camera


Can't even imagine how much time of practice is behind this piece of art


One of the hardest riffs to articulate, and my man here plays the whole band.

Simply amazing.


dude played the bassline, melody, and vocal melody all on one guitar. god damn

edit: and the drums...


and i thought playing just the guitar part was extremely difficult, this legend is playing the guitar, bass lines, percussion, and the vocals all on one guitar while keeping tempo


That's one of the hardest riffs.

Luca: Pff, I hold my beer myself.


Good job brother!


I have been trying to learn just the main riff of this song since I was in highschool...And then Luca plays all 4 parts simultaneouse WHILE ON A MOVING TRAIN!


Luca stricangoli is my favourite band :D


rare video of Luca playing only one guitar , no extra fretboards, no mouth organ, no flute. awesome arrangement!


Mom: Go practice playing your guitar
Luca: All done!!
Mom: you finished practicing???
Luca: no I finished the guitar.. what's the next instrument


This is amazing. Wow wow WOW.


Bloody hell mate, I love playing the standard version of this and it's not easy, and you just go play all the parts on one guitar. Insane.


Hes always playing in the most random places. Next time I would like to see him play while riding a unicycle through a field of daisys


Normal guy: *tries hard to learn to play Snow's riff with 2 hands
Luca: Hey, check this out!


“Snow by Red Hot Chili Peppers is one of the hardest riffs to play” 
Luca: So what you’re saying is....legato”


This is the greatest playing I have ever seen. He is playing four distinct things simultaneously - guitar line, bass line, the vocal melody, and some approximation of the drums.


My guitar came to me and said : You never treat me like that


Rumor is that Luca is a beta tester for Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Downloads the music right into the brain.