wait rooster teeth is this now?
RT, you might wanna upload other things rather than just RT Podcast content.
We live in 2023 our cars & buildings suck. When we were kids & they showed us movies of the future it looked amazing, I feel this building adds something also everyone is talking about it.
Man why arent yall posting full podcast episodes anymore?
I live in Vegas... send help
I live in Vegas and I was wondering what that mysterious dome was. It felt like it just showed up one day and hearing how much it cost to build I kind of wish it didn't show up. Also it's kind of an eyesore.
It's funny that Armando said things are cool in Vegas for about a year tops. Ever since going to Vegas and working there for two weeks I have said that I want to move to Vegas but only for a year. I don't gamble, but I love people watching, and there are no better subjects to watch than in Vegas 👍
Ricky and elliot lied to me these people are not funny
Born and raised Vegas, more tourists attractions equal more money
Madison Sphere Garden?
Btw happy RWBY 10th anniversary :D
Working on strip most people are depressed and people visiting don't make it better 😂.
It can't be dumber than the Chicago bean. Chicago taxpayers spent half a billion on it and I still think it's the dumbest tourist attraction we have.
Hey, Have You Watched Mark Zang's Of Your RWBY Fan Character OC'S Called Team SLVR That Concludes Simin Megistus (Leader), Lycan Arcadia (Member), Vella Moisia (Member) And Ragora Cinarum (Member)? His Animation Is Cool Like Yours, Maybe You Two Should Do A Collab In Your Tenth Volume Of RWBY, If You're Planning To...
You know it’s a good day when rooster teeth uploads
Awesome if/when someone projects goatse on it. Dumb so far.
I think it'd be like cheese>sauce>bread>crust in the center
love the show, keep it up. be strong and pop off.
didn’t the young lady on this podcast have a mini show highlighting racial facts in america?? where did it go?? more plz!!!!!!