
I love these so much I’ve shown them to my Star Wars enjoyer friends and they always die laughing🤣


His eyes turning yellow when he says he doesn’t have anger issue is perfect attention to detail


5:59 "You underestimate my Power!!!" Pulls out MK1 Desert Eagle with Sith Intent


"You just had to kidnap the kid from Tattoine didn’t you Master."

"I did not kidnap him. I bought him. There's a difference."


Oh I loved these. I love the fact that Cody was holding up the phone. That’s so clever.😂😂


"you literally murdered children!"
"Just a couple." 😂


Darth Vader: "Luke Leia Organa is your sister"

Luke:"No... oh no"


"This is your fathers lightsaber" 

"And this is his peice"


"I could give an unlimited power about your eating schedule, now execute the order!"

"I'm hungry..."

"Well I'm the Senate!"




Rex being 117 -  343 in the phone book just goes to show, he really is the Master Chief of Star Wars.


Obi-Wan: "You have anger issues"
Anakin: "I do (Vader peeks out) NOT"

😆 🤣 😂




“You and ahsoka have commited 500 war crimes”


'It's a mark 1 dessert eagle' gets me literally every time 😂😂


“You underestimate my caliper”  funny as hell


Darth vader: you sure
Luke: Yep
Darth vader: gun shoot


“This was his lightsaber and this was his piece.” 🤣


"I am hungry"
"Well, i am the senate"


Obi-Wan: “You and Ahsoka have committed 500 war crimes combined.”
Anakin: “501 if you include Rex…”


Anakin commits genocide
Obi Wan: Damn it Anakin