
Breathtaking... literally....my respect...😃🤩😍


Thanks for these two lovely and stylish performances. My preference is definitely for the "Baroque" performance of this work. This version is sort of like removing the varnish and soot from an ancient painting to reveal the glowing and vivid colors underneath. This fine performance makes a solid case for the merits of the earlier instrument setup.


What an awesome, prodigious, fantastic rendition! The flutist and the orchestra play so beautifully and perfectly in every aspect, that it is impossible to describe it in words. And the audio engineers did a superb job. The sound is very spacious, transparent and rich in faithful instrumental colours – the recording is better than many studio recordings on CD-s. Thank you all, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Zofia, absolutely brilliant. Superb sound and articulation. Also huge thanks for the 440 Hz tuning. I damaged my ear with this baroque tuning fashion, where the sound is not fresh and sprinky and it hurts people with a perfect pitch.


So beautifully played. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful skills. I loved your music.


Beautiful performance. Very professional. I was surprised how good and beautiful the sound was on my little bluetooth speaker temporary make do "sound system".... I can't wait to listen to this beautiful concerto on my main speaker system when it is reinstalled.
Thanks a lot for your great work!


Vrolijk en gezellig en genieten van deze uitvoering. Heerlijk en bijzonder. Bedankt voor het plaatsen hiervan. Succes.


CPE Bach, como su padre y su hermano continuó la magnificencia de los Bach. Precioso concierto para flauta. Felicitaciones a Zofia Neigebauer y la genial orquesta que la acompaña 👏. 
Lástima que no haya utilizado una flauta de época. 😊😊


Lovely Performance!!


Brilliant playing !😮


Prachtige uitvoering van deze heerlijke muziek, mijn favoriete fluitconcert. Solo met fraaie, heldere lijn, niet teveel versiering. Mooie warme toon, goede balans met het orkest. Verbazingwekkend dat zo'n kleine groep musici toch een echt orkest is, niet een iets groter kamermuziekensemble.


My impression is immeasurable profound and can't be ovetstated

My soul was purified


Beautifully performed.  I love CPE Bach, an underrated composer.  The flautist was amazing as was the orchestra and recording engineering. Thanks for sharing with the world.


In orchestra in Verbier or a soloist in Berlin....same sensible, musical and amazing playing! fantastic interpretation as usual! Bravo dear Zofia!


Como passar sem assistir e não deleitar-se pelo menos 2 vezes com esta Bela Música ?!...


Very nice music Zofia!💘💋🌹


Genial,  maravillosa ejecución de la flauta  .Música que encanta.


Enternecedora versión. Magistral interpretación.
Preciosísima lucidez de la flauta de Bach. Ovación cerrada.


Belo trabalho em geral e que me chamou a atenção o som primoroso. Parabéns a todos.


Brava Zofia!! Wonderful interpretation and a pleasure to listen to. So much light in your playing!  🌞💡