"A time when archery was simpler and more natural" Lars: shoots with his foot
This man has unlocked the entire archery skill branch
any time this video pops up your homepage you must always watch the entire thing and be just as shocked watching it as you did 7 years ago. unreal amount of skill here
"Lars has managed to shoot 3 arrows in 0.6 seconds." It took me longer just to process this information.
God this guy is such a main character and it quite literally shows
: Remember, switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading Lars :
The older archers were also known to have changed body structure due to all the training pulling back bows that are insanely strong
"My name is Lars Anderson, For five years, I was stranded on an island with only one goal - ..."
"Centuries ago, master archers were able to perform incredible feats of archery. These skills have long since been forgotten. But the danish archer Lars Andersen is trying to reinvent what has been lost." Shows guy shooting an arrow from under his ass. Ah, the lost technique!
Thief: breaks into house Lars: turns 180° degree facing the thief in a spinning chair "I've been expecting you"
Anyone else just randomly remember this video out of nowhere and have to go watch it again 8 years later?
I heard a criticism that this is impractical because you would run out of arrows too quickly. To the contrary! As long as you're accurate, you'll quickly run out of enemies.
My opinion of Hawkeye has dramatically changed.
The fact that this guy's archery skill is better than the one depicted in Hollywood movies are mind blowing (I don't get it, why and how do people have time to argue on a youtube comment)
I used to make bows as a kid, very basic stuff of course, I shot them too with the arrow on the right side of the bow holding the bow with my left hand, no one thought me to do this, it was a natural way. I also held the arrows the same way as the Comanches did, also because no one thought me the ''correct way''. Unfortunately, later one doing research I was convinced that what I had been doing was all wrong, and now I have to start all over trying to learn the ways I shot as a kid I used to hunt small prey in the woods, arrow heads where teaspoons that I flattened, my mom was not so happy over the continues disappearance of her teaspoons. For hunting fish from below the pier, I used arrow points made of forks. And I managed to place one of them in the arm of my nephew, but that is another story.
"We do not recommend you trying this at home" My dude, even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to...
Lars Andersen not only practiced the art of ancient archery, he took it a step further. He jumped out of a burning plane without parachute catching a broken arrow to shoot an incoming tank grenade... with covered eyesight.
Over a few years I have seen this come up on my youtube list. I watch each and every time because this guy is legendary. Unreal what he has discovered and ultimately mastered.