We loved him right because “he is so out of the box” beautiful song and a special artist ❤we really don’t care about our placement…we just love him ❤️🙏
Luciooo mucho apoyo desde España!!! 🫀
Lucio is a deep music lover and student and blends in his own authentic creative expression the roughness and energy of 70's glam and progressive rock with Italian cantautorato and 80's-90's cartoon soundtracks reinterpreting all of it with a contemporary light self awareness and subtle storytelling
Italian language sounds so well because Italians decoded the music. If you read a musical partiture you will find all the Italian words like “adagio, piano, forte, crescendo etc”. Also the music basically was supporting the Opera which is another big invention of the Italians and the language was also built to follow this musicality. Hope il helps 🎉
A poet with a sensitive soul❤
Lucio is such a talented artist ❤ so happy to be represented by him at Eurovision
Lucio lancia un messaggio profondo nella canzone. Per quanto riguarda i suoi abiti di scena sono gli stessi che indossa da sempre ai suoi concerti...tanta umiltà questo ragazzo ❤❤
Lucio e ' un poeta ❤un ragazzo favoloso ,particolare ❤il suo testo e un messaggio per tanti giovani ❤non importa vincere ,ma lasciare un segno indelebile ❤
I Giovani dovrebbero seguire questi artisti per crescere...
Lucio è Luce! l i wanted to be a tough guy! Is a very good poet of his songs. Also listen to his other songs...
The lyrics are very very important 😻🙏🇮🇹♥️
I love this artist and Lucio is my winner!
Thanks, we feel so close to him, he touchs the souls in a sweet way🎸🪄❤
Hey Man sei uno capisce di musica grazie
A poet ❤
Lucio is an amazing songwriter and a beautiful soul ❤ so damn happy for him, his song is pure poetry! ❤️✨ Thanks for your reaction 😊 xx from Italy 🇮🇹
To be honest 'un duro' in the context of the title song means 'a tough guy': I wanted to be a tough guy.
He is a sensitive guy with a big heart.