Here's the other side that people should also know about: I did go to college and I now run a successful business. I absolutely didn't need a college degree to do what I'm doing today. As everything I do in my business, I learned on my own. BUT, I don't feel my work is intellectually challenging and I crave to work on hard intractable problems. That's why after 4 years out of college, I'm going back to get a PhD in computational neuroscience. You absolutely do not need college to be successful. But there are still a handful of things for which college is the only place to go, like high-level scientific research, medicine, law, engineering etc. For everything else, there's the internet. Edit: I have started my PhD and am enjoying it very much. But I could only do it because I have a business running in parallel. Otherwise doing a PhD would be financially irresponsible on my part, as I love the financial independence that my business provides. I still don't think I needed any degree to have a successful business, and my PhD is more like a very engaging hobby.
I work for Larry & Basement Systems. Can confirm he is as humble and kind as he is depicted here. If I didn’t know he was our founder/CEO, I would never know he was as wealthy as he is. Incredible human being
The guy said it best. College isn't for everyone but you gotta constantly be learning. You have to pick up new skills with your life experience otherwise you are gonna get left behind. College or school in general is there to teach you how to teach yourself.
The key is education, never stop learning whether it's from traditional school or self taught.
My dad graduated with a college degree in medical science and became a surgeon's assistant and 4 months in with good money he absolutely HATED it and decided to open an organisation to help refugees in need as he used to be one and to this day it's his passion and the organisation is operating globally. I'm studying and learning how to manage a business while working inside the organisation. He never ever gave a leverage just BCS I'm his son and in fact I'm building my way up as he taught me that best way to learn how things work is to observe as the worker and evolve and finally give value to the world or a community with wtvr business I have in mind. It ain't about making money, it's about providing value to someone's life.
For everyone considering college, especially introverts, know that the greatest benefit of going to college may not necessarily be the degree you get, but connecting with other people on the same path as you.
"Never leave something unless you have a plan" These words stood out for me 💯
This was such a fun interview! Thanks for having me, Noah! I'd love to hear everyone's takeaways & questions in this thread. 👇
I went to college I'm still a successful entrepreneur. College experience added a tonn of value and perspective to my life. You can do both...They're not mutually exclusive. But I get what yall are saying
You know just last week a doctor told me he regrets going to medical school . He has a cycle he has drawn and he shows this to any student who enters his office , it goes like you-school-job-money, like that . That is the system society has created ,whereas you can actually skip school and just make money by identifying a problem and trying ing to solve it ,that is when an education is needed . We had a very long conversation. In the end he advised me to look for money and use it to do what I've been taught in school to do . Can anyone share their opinions on the advise he gave me ?
Had I known there were other paths to a good life besides college, 10/10 I would have dove straight into working for myself!! I don't necessarily regret it, I just realize learning comes in different forms and school wasn't a very effective/enjoyable way to learn new information for me. Super insightful video! thank you!
One of the best videos on the internet. Thanks man
Yep I'm a kindergarten drop out on my own path, it's incredible. The future is very successful
what all good business plans have in common is risk taking, and de-specialization (more specifically, crossing the barrier between value creation and sales) college and working on payroll are the opposite of that
Binging your content. Makes my day better!
“If I got my MBA I’d be a completely different person “ he has a point
There is a difference between being a Harvard dropout and a college dropout
This is what I needed to hear right now. Thanks Noah
What about thousands of college dropouts who work for minimum wage?