
A goat sound like a grown man calling for help. A peacock sounds like a child saying help.


How sad. I, hope his buddy will reunite and stay happy.


Did they ask the goat for ID?


It’s a really easy mixup.  You would be surprised how human goats sound. I always suspected that’s why they get a bad wrap in religious mythology.


I'm in!   Goat party!


Hey! That's MY town! I even know where that place is.  πŸ™‚


Larry, you sir are the GOAT!


I thought for sure it was a peacock


A yes Enid,Oklahoma as the crow flies,I'm only 60 miles from there...LOL


Black Phillip!!


Are you kidding me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Yes! Lets GOAT!πŸ˜‚


Cmon cops. Need a q tip?


The dui goat


He was dinner, sorry


Now thar was great keep it up God I really like your show man




Goat calls the pig

