
Just wanted to pop in and say as personal trainer of 4 years, your videos hit the nail on the head every single time and I can relate with your experiences and content almost 100% of the time. I wish I had access to your channel when I first started, keep it up man!


Love you're channel brother. I have been coaching for over 20 years now. I found that setting many goals, especially event goals, help with all clients. ( events mud run,  reunion,  some weight loss competition, etc). The unmotivated clients I just keep great rapport and workout engaging but not to taxing,


New PT here, and love your content. I’m gonna have my first session next week 😂


2/24/23 Viewing and learning; loved it!


Thanks a lot for your content! You're helping me a lot growing out as a coach.


Great stuff on point


Great information!


That was so good!


Great video


This is what I need to do in teaching all the time with my teenage school students, only difference is I have the 3 types of clients (students in my case) in the same class of about 20 others who are at those different levels, I’m constantly adapting my teaching throughout the year depending on the class, some do more written work, some do more practical on instruments (I’m a music teacher) everything you said is easily transferable from personal training to teaching, which I really like and could provide a lot of help to new teachers to understand what teaching multiple school classes are like!

As for things that work with me and my clients (students) constant positive motivation works really well along with constructive feedback. My mentor at university who also did Personal training coaching (same with me as a martial arts instructor outside of teaching) said “it’s important when motivating to start positively, say something that is good what they are doing, then throw in something they need to work on. As they progress say you are going to build up their progress ‘remember what we covered last week, we’re now going to add on this, but keep practicing the first thing we covered’ otherwise their focus will only go to the second thing and ditch the first completely”