
Nasa : To the moon? That`ll cost 25 billion  dollars.  Adrian Paenza: No just fold paper 45x.


Teacher: how long is the distance between Earth and Moon..?

Me: 45 folds..


I like it how they added instructions on how to get back. We wouldn't want anyone getting stuck on the moon, would we?


Hey, Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!


i knew origami would get me somewhere one day


I love how his animation kept the area constant while increasing height only


"Mom, get the bible we're going to the moon!"


If I write "I love you" in a paper and fold it 45 times, twice, would it be like saying "I love you to the moon and back?"


"Get the Bible"



I got 56 Bibles 
72 dictionarys
45 Harry Potter books

See y'all later I'm going to Mars!


Damn that paper THICC


Darn, Elon should see this. He would probably close down spacex and open a book store


NASA: ...Nope, we cant afford a rocket to space.
Me: folds paper 45 times


Somebody: "Love you to the moon and back"
Me: YoU mEaN...


So let's say we take an average newspaper, 4800cm^2. When this is folded in half the area halves and becomes 2400cm^2. As you continue to fold the paper in half, the area keeps shrinking resulting in 45 folds making a piece of paper of size 0.0000000001cm^2, which is 140 times smaller than a carbon atom (which is inside a molecule of paper), therefore if folding paper more than 7 times was possible, 45 times would result in an atom being split meaning you couldn't get it to the moon.


Thanks dude I thought I would be stuck after reaching Moon


Dad: what are you doing?

Kid: my science project


1919: soon in the future we will have flying cars.
2019: nope but have papers though.


Finally found a way to reach the moon back in just 50 cents, Now that's called saving


By the way, here is something called dimension compression.
You start with a rectangle with dimensions 1x2. It has an area of 2 square units. However, if we were to move the line on top of the rectangle to the midpoint, the bottom line will double in length, assuming the area of the rectangle remains constant. Then, it will have dimensions of 0.5x4. If we keep dragging the top line as the space becomes infinitesimally small as the 2 lines converge on top of each other, we will get a line that extends infinitely; a dimension. We can do the same thing with a 3D cube, where we will compress the top square to the bottom one which increases it to extrude it into a flat 2D plane. Therefore, we can theorize we are living in a 4D tesseract where the top cube is compressing against the bottom cube, causing the universe to expand at negative velocities. When the top cube lies on top of the bottom cube, the Big Rip will happen as the bottom cube gets an infinite 3D volume. Therefore, if you want to extrude something into the 4th dimension, you must make them infinitely large in 3 dimensions, and then pull the top cube out of the bottom cube, which will shrink the tesseract back to finite dimensions. Therefore, if we divide by 0, we can create an infinitely large Rubik's cube and pull the cubes away to create the first 3x3x3x3 Rubik's tesseract.