
"It sucks."
"I think so too."
"Hey, look! People are talking about it! Victory!!!"


The money spent on "The Pipe" should have been spent repairing the crumbling sidewalk.


Tucker is laughing, "People are paying me good money to install poop sculptures "


I have an art degree. The amount of daisy-chaining fart-sniffing that goes on in the art circle is nauseating. I once had to view an installment that took place in a giant, empty warehouse. In the middle of the room was a standard white chest freezer (the kind you'd find in grandpa's garage) with a Rubbermaid cooler sitting on top. THAT WAS THE ART PIECE! We were expected to fuss over it like it contained the holy grail.


These artists all have one valuable skill in common, the ability to extract vast amounts of money from institutions in exchange for utter rubbish that requires negligible ability.


Imagine if high school art students could've entered art contests,  and won $10,000 scholarships and the opportunity to design and build public sculptures with $10,000 budgets. How many hundreds of beautiful pieces could have been displayed in lieu of these products of loos?


1. Those who commission art work should be allowed to preview small versions and nix it.  "Go back to the drawing borad."
2. Certain artists should end up on worldwide blacklists.


Seems some of these sculptors  have to work through some phallic obsession issues....


Any time I visit the online modern art auctions, I'm invariably astounded by the gullibility of rich people to throw away huge money on garbage art.


That one sculptor that does turds is trolling EVERYBODY.  He knows he isn't an artist but that's not the point, for him, the point is that idiots will pay big bucks for his literal crap.  He's getting paid to troll and getting away with it.


Seeing a lot of these pieces reminds me of that Flintstones line: "I don't know what he got for making that but he should have gotten life."


Some years ago we had a local "artist" here I live installing "art" in our railwaystation, to get to the trains you had to go trough a tunnel under ground and down there he had put boxes on the wall, with a loudspeaker and some electronic detecting movements,  making the loudspeaker go "pling plong and plong pling" etc, suddenly making noices that scared the shit out of me every time I was stressing to reach my train, after some time it went silent and one day I visited the railway station I asked someone there why the art didn't scare me anymore,  "we took out the CD" they told me, guess others had been scared,  just like me


0:58 "...due to its resemblance to a large bowel movement." Ah, so that's it! I thought it was just because it looks like a turd. Thanks!


Public art should enhance public spaces.  It should not be a focus of controversy.  Public spaces already have enough trouble with crowds, traffic, graffiti.  I do not have any trouble with some of these if they were in museums or  sculpture gardens.


As an artist, I think whatever style you want, you should go for even if it’s considered ugly by everyone else. It’s about self expression after all….. 

  But if it’s in a public setting? It should probably be pleasing to the masses…. Since they live near it and see it every single day. Appalled at the pink statue that looks like it was made by a giant 5 year old who got into the putty. The pink would have been fine if the statue wasn’t so horrendously built.


I deleted my earlier comment so as not to insult anyone but I believe if you are spending town tax dollars on art there should at least be a vote of the people who pay those taxes.


Any Cleaning lady in any art exhibition asking herself about every object: is it art or do I away with it ?


A long time ago I saw a random video of a persons town where businesses and groups in the whole town would each decorate a scarecrow and display them around town.  THey would have themes like astronaut, or lumberjack, teacher, etc. And some of them were super creative and neat. The person was just walking around on main street just admiring everyones work. Thats the kind of community art I can get behind, its temporary and inexpensive, and really brings the whole town together to get creative and make something that truly makes people happy with it being around.

And then theres the million dollar bronze turd  in this video lol


I’m calling these pieces “Money Laundering.”


The art museum in Burlington Vermont had a bunch of large, ugly metal sculptures on their front lawn for years.  There was an ice sculpture contest, and a frat made a good replica of the art museum, in ice, and then threw a bunch of junked washing machines, refrigerators and car parts in front of it. It caused a buzz, and within a few months the art museum had gotten rid of the metal sculptures.