If someone makes full-body VR, Robbins will destroy all Soulslike bosses.
Quickly became my favorite weapon ever lol
"used in dueling" "their dual nature" I see what you did there
They even mention in the item descriptions that they were used in ritual dueling in the Lands Between for a time. What an awesome attention to detail from From, once again
We went from swordsmanship videos to elden ring tips. This is peak.
Not to mention it has a built in spike for bracing for hits
Bro the shield being useful for a caster is something I didn't put two and two together on until you said it.
The consensus in the comment section appears to be that it’s ‘neat’…
I love seeing Robin get giddy about these things. His enjoyment is infectious.
I didn't expect to start getting combo guides from you. I'll keep that in mind thanks.
seeing in those shield duels must've been fun
Monster Hunter's chargeblade has the same guardpoint mechanic (although it's just a "normal" sword and shield in terms of what those blocks are) and it is the most satisfying thing in the world.
They work really well with heavier builds that can poise through most attacks. Combined with the Spear Talisman, Greatshield Talisman, and your choice of damage negation talismans, these work wonders for when you are struggling with weight management. With heavier armor, you'll soak up most of the remaining damage from the shield's physical negation. With the delayed input guard, you get the benefit from the GS Talisman to help carry the combo and the Spear Talisman's counter damage.
That's great. My fav in the dlc have been light greatsword and the dryleaf arts
This thing has got to be a menace with shield grease or scholars shield.
I can see robin is a fashion souls player always rocking W drip
I am absolutely loving these new vids. Simultaneously looking st the real world practicality of wepons while also giving a guide on how to fully utilize new equipment!
Time to make some homebrew for D&D.
behold the mighty and his thrusting shield and tremble