
That Lancaster interaction could be a Bruh video all on it's own.


Everytime Besh is fired a hamster flips a coin to decide the outcome I swear


Who would win?
21 kg of tnt or the Panther mantlet

(Gaijin says the Panther mantlet)


Another British Ammo type nerfed into oblivion, rip APDS, Solid Shot and HESH. Thanks Gaijin.


Funny how gaijin thinks that HE in HESH stands for Hopelessly inEffective instead of HIGH EXPLOSIVE CMON GAIJIN. Normal HE can overpressure, but not hesh, which has like twice the explosive mass


Came for the Video stayed for the Music.


I’d prefer a mediocre shell that’s always mediocre over a super powerful shell that is only powerful half the time.


The best way to take some dinner - Malzi's videos. Great job, amigo!


IRL: High Explosive Squash Head ammo contains a large amount of Plastic explosives and a fusing device that is armed on impact. This creates a tank round that can effectively do an engineers job of applying several pounds/kilos of explosive mass to a relatively small pancake shaped surface of a tank or concrete structure and detonate it. On thickly armored vehicles this causes such an immense compression wave that it actually will cause tank armor to spall behind the point of impact, sending shrapnel bouncing around the crew compartment and generally causing havoc.



0:24 classic Besh


The Lincoln now also has access to the 12k pounder at 6.0, if you care to grind for it 😂


Hei Malzi,

thanks for youre amazing video as always,
you inspired me to do my own videos, so thank you for that.

Wish you the best!


Gayjin sometime ago: we fixed HESH!!!

meanwhile HESH:


Hey Malzi, just a reminder that the Lancaster B Mk III has a rear facing 50 cal


WarThunder engine can't handle the greatness of this naval cannon against tanks.


It's good to hear that spiral "AUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH" again. I haven't heard that in a while.


honestly i think there is no way hesh is modeled properly i think its like HE with some minor differences while in IRL its a completely different beast


Vivaldi the goat.


Every time I see the recoil on this dang tank. Like it be yeeting those BESH rounds with some oompf!


0:37 to identify tanks you can use rangefinder
if its nothing then crew won't say anything
if its vehicle then crew will say tank, spaa or etc.
but if its too far it won't work