
Why can't ghosts be cool about things? You never hear about ghosts doing the laundry for you or having the coffee made in the morning.


Tall lanky pale entity is how my neighbor describes me


I live in eastern Canada and we heard this terrified sounds 5 years ago, but in heart of a big town, in middle of a grey day. All neighbors were afraid and came outside but no Sasquash. It was very loud and profound.


THe clip from Colombia was the best one. THe way it moved, the sounds it made... definitely creepy


I think #3 is what happened when Bigfoot stepped on a Lego.


Just got off work had a decent day and it just got better thanks to Sir Spooks dropping a new vid thank you kind sir¥


#4 sounds like a washing machine off balance. Then it finishes the spin load so it stops.


The last one looks like it’s on a slope! I’m not sure if it actually leads to a morgue or not, but some hospitals have slanted hallways that make it easier to transfer bodies. That’s why the bed was rolling, then leveled out and stopped moving as soon as it left the hallway.


The hospital bed is definitely on a slope.


I often go to gas stations on the edge of town in the middle of the night to meet friends.


Doesn’t matter what language; but fear, paranormal and things that go “bump in the night,” can be understood. Great set as usual! 👻👏😨


That kitchen ghost got rhythm!


The gas station one, the 'entity' just looks like a dude in a white hoodie with white sweat pants on. Maybe he was kinda creepy, which is why the guys freaked out, but the potato quality of the video doesn't lend itself to taking it as 'this was a cryptid'. The motion-balanced view of the UFO however, was pretty neat, especially how it rotated in place but the direction of the red light was static. So where the thing rotated, the red light rotated with it, instead of just being kind of a universal dome light.


#4 is…just a person walking down the street. Like seriously. Because they happen to be dressed in light clothing? I can’t say what they saw with their own eyes, obviously, but it just looks like a normal person to me.


If you listen to #3 over a few times, it sounds the same each time. Like each utterance sounds exactly the same, including that wind/rushing sound before the vocalization.


Breakfast,lunch, dinner and sir spooks! His awesome clips ensure that I won’t be sleeping sound tonight.


I haven't watched you for ages. You are the same. I'll stay this time 👍. Thanks for everything!


You always find a way to make my skin crawl... just when I was going to sleep!!!:face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-turquoise-covering-eyes:


That triangle craft is a pretty well known secret project. I can’t remember the number they call it, but it’s probably out for a test flight


Sir spooks deserves one million subs