
Garrett, I am SO impressed with you that you're up and about and being honest about all of it - the procedure itself, the recovery, and how you're feeling physically and mentally at this point.  People think that "cosmetic" procedures are easy, but they are just as painful as any surgery.  I had bariatric surgery 5 years ago, and the number of people that say I took "the easy way out" is infuriating.  And just because we "did it to ourselves" doesn't make it hurt any less.  I have a lot of respect for you.


LOVING the awareness and not GAF what other people think from Garrett! It so nice to see someone being so open about something nearly half the population  goes through or will go through. Major respect.


I love when Garrett talks his shit!! πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸΎ. Also, best of luck on your recovery! It seems pretty standard for what I’ve seen!


We loveeee to see how far Gare has come and how invested he is now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I agree with Garrett!! A jury is supposed to find someone guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. I don’t think this was proven beyond a reasonable doubt


Little Daisy barking in the background! I love herrrr!!!
Garrett, thank you for your transparency!! Hope you get some sleep and heal soon!! 
Thanks again for another video, you guys! You're the best!❀


I love the authenticity from Garrett!


Abt 15 years ago I kept having this reoccurring dream that my entire family was in a house and someone broke in and was trying to kill us. I was trying to get everyone out but there was always one person I could not save. I would wake up every time before I could see who did not make it, until the last time I had the dream I was able to see that it was my cousin that did not make it out and had been killed. When I woke up the next morning I got a phone call from my aunt saying that my cousin had been murdered the night before, someone had broken into her house and killed her.


It used to be innocent until proven guilty. Now, it's guilty until proven innocent. Our justice system needs to be revamped big time.


So my ex got a hair transplant and he ended up loving it. He was in SO much pain during recovery but in the end, he said he'd do it over again despite the pain. Sending you love during your recovery πŸ’œ


Why didn't they check Walmart surveillance to see if she was there or not?


Garrett is the opposite of toxic masculinity ❀


What people underestimate before committing a crime, is the mental load afterwards. I think in this case, it became so overwhelming, to the point of crisis & she told on herself to relieve this pressure. I'm on the fence with this one overall though. I want to believe in the dream story, but my science brain is not comfortable with it. Premonitions don't give you all the minutae details (that's only for the movies), they are more often generally vague & distorted.


40:00 even Daisy was getting feisty at the end !! I was getting so excited right along with you two πŸ˜…


Sheila told her kids about the crime. She led them to the evidence and the body. I’d be very surprised if she didn’t do it.


So proud of you both for being so honest about this most people hide these things and it is great to see the honesty online where people pretend to be perfect naturally . Love you two so much


I loved this episode. More so because of Garrett's sincerity. I wish you a quick recovery. I l0ve the way you story tell and paint a picture. I enjoy your channel. Today Garrett's had me screaming while listening πŸ˜… I love listening while cleaning my kitchen. Today during my moping routine I stopped to yell at my phone at how much I agree with Garrett on this one. I don't believe the jury had enough evidence. I also agree with you we don't know how they were persuaded. This was an awesome one. Prayers for the Families involved


Garret is back! I'm glad you're healing better :) your comments were missed haha


I missed Garrett πŸ˜‚ you two are literally my favorite podcast the banter between you guys is great. ❀️‍πŸ”₯


We love you Garrett! Rest up, take care of yourself. Love how honest you guys always are!! ❀️❀️❀️