
I remember first hearing about this dude. I couldn't believe how OP he was and the fact that EVERYONE working together still just BARELY managed to beat him is insane.


One of the most Over powered characters in comics.


I remember this character good to see you reviewing him this dude is insane.


Chaos King is just an aspect of Oblivion.


Chaos king appears
Death: "Aight, ima head out",


Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil!

But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me.

Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future, where my evil is law!

Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!


I feel like New Sage could write a very good comic series


This dude is simply the definition of OP


One of the scariest and most powerful marvel comics villains of all time.


YESSS FINALLY!! my favorite character in marvel that doesn't get noticed alot, chaos is King thank you for doing this character


Bruh you finally did a video on one of my favorite characters. It's hilarious seeing people say that Mikabosi was defeated. No he wasn't, like you said, they're lucky that Hercules knocked into a dimension that he didn't mind staying in because he wanted pure darkness. You forgot the part about Mikaboshi consuming 98% of Marvel. It would take TOAA to actually stop him. And the craziest part is, he's just an aspect of Oblivion.


I started college again today New Sage, so my day is far from great, but your content does bring a smile to my face.


I wonder if they will link the Chaos King to Knull?


I've never known much about this character. His powers seem off the chains 💥.. Great one


This guy is like a much more badass version of AKU


Ewwww weeeee, my man Chaos got himself ah 10, but no one would have argued an 11, he is just that OP! 
Great again brah! Stay blessed!


Who else is waiting for the NEW SAGE podcast where he interviews comic book writers, illustrator, execs and movie producers from the mcu and dcu?


Glad to see chaos king getting covered


The sage man this is an underrated powerful dude good bid as usual be safe keep up the content thanks bro


I like your explanation keep up the good work man <3