
Thank you so much for bringing attention to Finasteride, Accutane and SSRIs at the end.


this man is a hero ❤


omg thank you for raising awareness, docs don't talk about these at all.


Yes your totally right,one of the warnings should be how hard they are to get off and everyone is different.Some people can get off certain drugs easy while other people could take year's.Good podcast


The black box warning is  usually on the manufacturer's insert that accompies the medication. (It is attached to the lid or the back of the bottle). However,  it often does not remain with the medication when it is dispensed to the patient.  If the medication is dispensed in an amber bottle ( not in a manufacturer bottle), it is lost.  In many instances these inserts are taken off the manufacturer bottles when stocking the bottles on the pharmacy shelves or the medication is filled from a bulk stock bottle.

However, the medication is dispensed in a  original manufacturer box ( such as inhalers) you will have greater chance of receiving a copy.


Never expect your doctor to talk to you. They rarely have time. Always read the paperwork that comes with your meds. Especially if it's a new med. You are your own best advocate.


SSRIs f’ed me up for years after stopping. My doctor said definitively the effects would stop once I got off. 

Looking online for answers, there are a TON of people who experiencing the same thing. I had one panic attack, not even anxiety. I didn’t even need the stuff at all.


WHAT ABOUT AKATHISIA? From SSRI, Anti psychotics and others. You mentioned before that Akathisia is the worst side effect of psych medications, but didn't mention it here, Why?


Those black box warnings don't warn you of all the dangers tho. Not evdn close. There halfway informed consent.


I also think he blood pressure side effects should be black box warning too and same for seritonin syndrome


Patients shouldn’t be the ones reading the package insert.  The doctors probably don’t read them either so that’s why they don’t warn patients and discuss with them.  There is a carelessness and negligence about talking about ALL and ANY side effects.  There is too much responsibility put on the patient to know for themselves and this is bad clinical practice.


Would you really expect U.S. pharmacy companies to put the safety and well being of consumers over their profits?  People might decide to not take the medication if they knew about the risks and then how would the execs and board members buy their next yacht?




I was on Ambien like 15 years ago when on high doses of Prednisone caused me sleeplessness and would do insane stuff like order the random things on Amazon after taking the med but not going to sleep right away. It was my PHARMACIST who actually brought up the long-term use side affects of losing memory (especially in women)and these odd night time behaviors. I came off and never took again.


First improvement for medicine safety would be to print  the doses on the bottle or container in LARGE easily readable print. Second safety precaution is teaching about black box side effects


Is there any way to stop the bruxism during sleep? 😢


My doctor said I was not allowed to know the side effects!  Side effects are and were horrible.


Do YAZ hormonal pills have a black box in the US?


What about tretinoin cream


What do you know about side effects on fluanxol Injections and diverprexol? Especially used for people who are not schizophrenic?
Sorry about the spelling