
l can imagine all the Brits, Aussies and Canadians going nuts watching you mess with that Enfield.


More moose taken in Canada by the 303 than any other gun to my knowledge.  Bought my first one at 13 years old in  Elwood Epps store.  $29.95 with no tax.


Old Canadian here,,  the 303 enfield was my first center fire rifle I bought..  NO4 Mrk2,   sporter.   I had already used it in 22 cal for target practice with Army Cadets,, and then in 303 on military ranges.  Then upgraded to FNC1A1.   Enjoyed shooting that old rifle for many years,,  smooth action and great hunting rifle out to 300 yards. Took my first deer with it..


It is a box mag setup; it drops right out of the bottom just like any other.  When my grandfather passed away, I inherited his.  I love shooting it more than my 06.  It was 100 years old in 2017, and still functions perfectly today.  They built em well back then!


A lovely rifle ruined, I hate it when I see an old SMLE that’s been “sporterized”.


Kind of drives me nuts watching you futz around with that rifle, looks like you loaded it with the rims behind each other and got it rim locked.


2500 fps and 2500 ft lbs of energy. Its a great round, hardly any recoil, accurate, amazing action, and if the ak47 is the least finicky of semi/full autos and been in dozens of wars and conflicts, the lee enfield .303 is the least finicky of all bolt actions and has been equally in dozens of war and conflicts. Overall, just a fantastic rifle and round.


Enfield MK 3 (Mark 3). You have to load the rounds with each rim of the cartridge in front of the last one, or you will get rimlock. The clips will also help prevent it.
Edit- It looks sporterised, as well.


Crying my eyes out looking at that 1917 era Number 1 Mk3 chopped up like that. Somebody needs to go to jail for that.


British No. 1 Mk III (pronounced Mark) was also known as the Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE).  That model was the used by the Commonwealth during WWI.  You need to ensure the rim is front of the other when loading to prevent Rimlock as you experienced.


Check out the history of the long used 303 british my American friend!!!
It was mistaken for a semi auto by Germans in the hands of good men!!!
Glad you have that one!
I have my Grampas!!!


Among the other treasures my recently deceased father had (M-1 Carbine, WW1 era Mauser .25 etc.) was one of these .303s.  Somewhere in the house when I find it there is a bandolier of ammo on stripper clips for feeding the magazine that might work better than your results on loading.  I remember shooting it some 40 years ago with pleasant memories and look forward to doing so again.


Watching him load it in the beginning, i was like "yep its gonna jam, hes not looking at the rims"


I have a British .303 made in 1896. Paid $275 back in 2008. Had been cut down to about the same length. Shoots straight as an arrow.  No problem ejecting or loading rounds. A very beautiful rifle. 124 years old.  A gem of a rifle.


The 303 is a rim cartridge and has to be loaded in a specific pattern. Once you load it correctly, it will chamber effortlessly.


303 British, A lot of history behind that rifle, very nice!!!


The 1st gun that I ever fired was a Lee Enfield .303. I was thirteen years old at the school shooting range. I remember the recoil of that first shot to this day, and I'm nearly 70 now.


Cool to take a deer with this thing... we Brits took countries with it... 😂👍
Thanks for posting, it’s a great rifle, one of the greatest bolt action battle rifles ever in my view. Enjoy


My Dad still talks fondly of his 303 that he used whilst in the British army and actually used on active service in Aden.


The British Empire’s battle rifle in two World Wars. 

Served in every theatre conditions from ice to desert to jungle. 

17 million made.