The only thing I like in this crew pack is the pickaxe, the impact with the skull spliting in half is nice, other than that terrible skin imo
Its funny if you compare this to the 2021 crew skins and you realize its an 800 v buck skin compared to those masterclasses.
BONEs ❤ 100000000000/10
those this skin has any additional edits to it?
Niceeeee bro ❤
hey bro should i subscribe fortnite crew again to get all the passes? The last subscribe i made was 1/7
Why the only time I subscribe to crew we get bad skins. The one time I cancelled was last October, November and December, and those months had fire skins 😭😭😭
I'm glad it's not April crew, i'll buy that one to get 2 music passes plus the 2500 vbucks from the battlepass, and the crew lmao
This skin is sick af. Super excited for it!!!
The cut off jacket looks lame af
Wow..that is actually worse than the meme sushi skin...didn't think that would be possible
basic AF
This and the past season have had the worst skins. Sub zero literally only value to this bp . Alot of skins on the shot have been better than what they've been putting in the bps
Aaaand this is where I’ll unsubscribe
Dear god this is horrible lookn 😔 wut in duh he// iz it
Glad i cancelled my crew pack
Bad skin imo
bruh this better just be an item shop skin instead i hope your lying
noooo, i don't like skin crew fortnite march !!! 😠😠😡😡, skin L