Thank you so much sir for all your effort in defending the body of Christ❤
This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. John 21:24 The first sentence in this person and the second in first person. Sounds like, not only secretary, but secretaries. And why not. Makes perfect sense. Normal.
Great insight. Thank you Mike
Very interesting, thank you.
may someone write a book by naming it Bible according to Mike licona
Interesting points, thank you
But we don’t know who wrote the Gospels so why would we further speculate without evidence that personal secretaries aided unknown authors? How does this make them more reliable? It sounds like an attempt to explain why they are written in a language that the Apostles didn’t speak which makes their accuracy even more dubious.
This is so sad the new testament in our hands not an eye witness account 😢, Paul had no authority from christ 😢
I thought the gospels were inspired by God. It humbling to know that it was actually Paul telling his secretary what to write. Interesting stuff...
So, because Paul's crown Jewel had an editor, therefore what now?
Totally plausible a
Do we really know who wrote this mythology? Does it matter? Not wise to take any of this as facts.
the last person that I would learn the bible from, the Protestants. especially from sissifed ones. I would learn from Jesus and the church fathers and their legacy.