Beyza to Hançer: I wonder if you should turn your game-posing skills into a business. Hançer to Beyza: I’ll call you first if I do this, Beyza. Because I can’t find anyone more talented than you. Great clap back 🎉😂😂. One by one they’re putting Beyza in her place.
Cihan is so jealous he can't stand that hancer has done this on her own without being so weak by his side
Cihan va a morir de los celos 😂😂😂
Tem homem que não aceita de bom grado o sucesso de uma mulher perante a sociedade, Cihan se mostrou com ciúmes ou inveja do potencial que Hancer apresentou diante dos associados da Fundação, imagina quando não só um mais outros doadores resolverem convidar Hancer para jantar em troca de uma doação. 😅
OMG that's ending😂😂😂😂😂 Cihan will really go crazy😂😂😂 How many suitors does she have or is it Cihan that's the mysterious suitor😂😂😂😂😂 Edit never mind couldn't be Cihan. I hope this guy is good looking😂😂😂😂
Bu yemeye davet adam kesin Cihandır oda olmasa Çatlar Cihan vallah
I'm only watching the promos... Nothing new 😂😂
Hançer iyce saçmaladı gerçekler ortaya çıksın artık
Ahora que recuerdo bien, creo que la persona que, quiere hacer la donación y quiere cenar con hancer, puede ser,el tipo que la molestaba, anterior 😊
Vakıf için herşeyi yaparım diyen hançeri görelim bakalım 😂
Daha da maraqlı olur getdikce ama yavaş yavaş gedir hançer ilerlesin cihan kiskansin ortalik karışsın ❤❤cihan & hançer ❤❤
Cihan hancer bir yerde olsunlar artik
Sinceramente eu adorei que a Hancer colocou a psicopata da Beysa em seu devido lugar 😂😂quem fala o que quer e ouve o que nao quer 🤣🤣e o Cihan mais parece um menino mimado e birrento 🤬🤬que perdeu seu brinquedo Engin deveria recomeçar a investigar a pulseira da Beysa 😒🙄
akşam yemeyine çağıran kişi ,bir zamanlar Hançerin arkasınca düşüb ,Melih tarafından döyülen kişi olacak bence ...
It is time to stop all this misunderstanding and hurt between Cuban and Hancer. The laughter in this episode was not the happiness we need to see.Melih is walking around with a burden on his shoulder. Hancer continues to talk to her little bean that is not growing and writing sad notes to Ciha.n. Beza and Cohan’s mom are close again planning against Hancer after Beza abused her and almost poisoned her to death causing a stroke…Writers if you can bridge Beza and the Mom toxic relationship, why can’t you do the same for Cohan and Hancer. I. Episode 140 you continue to have them hurt each other…When will it all end…..enough is enough…. You make Melih look like a saint while you torture Sinem without a sign of a smile on her face. You need to clear up the misunderstanding between Hancer and Sinem. They were best friends. Hancer needs to know that she is wearing a ring that belonged first to Sinem and maybe she will understand the hostility . What happened to the investigation that Cohan’s mother wanted a full and through investigations? Why isn’t it taking the police so long to question who had a reason to silence the doctor, Instead of revealing the truth , you bring another character Sila into the mix and for what purpose??? This drama is so long and many disconnected dots…It is pass boring with only continued conflicts between the lead characters… 😮
Se ela aceitar esse jantar, vai estar confirmando o que todos disseram …é uma pena o escritor pisotear a honra de Hanger assim.
Nice offer hanchar😂😂accept....nothing new to you😂😂😂😂
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