
Crazy how charlez remembers to add the thingy he created


1:34 bro a bit too excited 😂


You did NOT just use the wrong star power on kenji😭


12:05 the despair in his voice lmfaooo


bro I wish my mythic matches were this easy sometimes 😭 last picking Dyna into Kenji is insane


Charlez is a pathological liar don’t listen to him. All these brawlers are doodoo


these chill video's are chill, so W video

1:34,  9:28 🤨🤨🤨


Omg you’re using the VGR music remixes, I love those! Yeah honestly all these ranked videos are great to just chill while drawing and stuff so this is all great


Kenji is sooooooo fun glad to see someone agrees. also ive never felt weaker or more powerful than kenji. his good matchups hes the by far best brawler in the game imo and his bad matchups are 90 unwinable lol. great video man!


"I did some mining off camera"

Mining off camera:


Kenjis playrate drop needs to be studied, no one uses him anymore but hes still so good.


Waking up and having breakfast while watching charlez. Lifes good 👏


The best kenji build bruhhh


nice VGR background music 🔥 🔥 🔥


Buff hank


Trust me mythic is still filled with garbage randoms it took me 7 attempts on one game away from legendary to finally get there


9:28 bro😭✌


2:50 bro picked Kenji into Edgar 😭


So chill vid


Bro ima start playing kinji now