
Not my thing, but I can appreciate LG trying something different.


I am stupid pumped for this phone.


God, I actually really want this thing. I think I like this more than any other folding or multiscreen-type device.


Hopefully this comes to tmobile soon. Preferably before my next bill


I would love to get this phone, but I'm going to see if any good cases come out first


I would never buy this phone in a million years, but I'm also kind of glad it exists.


This is not the first time that LG made a phone like this it was years ago it was on Verizon it was called...LG VX9400 it was small in your hand and you flipped it up. So they always been doing some futuristic phones here and there This is a good one again for 2021..


Very cool. Hope they keep at it


I want my god damn headphone jack back


That video brochure, even if it's just for content creators, is still quite generous especially coming from a company that's essentially been sorely lagging in the sales department since 2014.

As for the phone, it pretty much seems like a mid-range phone with 1 1/2 screens at quite the premium price. But in a market where pretty much everyone is content at capitalising on their annual iterations with incremental modifications and minimal innovation, LG seems to be the only one willing to just throw freaking spaghetti at the wall and actually implement wacky ideas into niche devices that may or (usually) may not work. In the mobile phone space, they're the only company that actually has the balls to take risks. Respect.


Unboxing starts at 6:05 😝




Beautiful Phone 😍❀ I'm definitely will get the LG Wing for my next upgrade


Pretty cool idea. I would like 2 try this one.πŸ‘


How is texting while having YouTube on the main screen? Do the keyboard quash down to allow adequate real estate for viewing what you typing?


Is that a press kit? because I doubt that LG will send that to everyone.


How does the USB-C to HDMI outwork, does it display both screens?


I have the iPhone 11 Pro Max and ordered my LG Wing last week. I can see this phone a lot more useful than the iPhone I currently have or the iPhone 12. Can’t wait to pick up my LG Wing tomorrow!


I wanted to see how the case worked


Last time i was this early, wing was still a prototype.