Don't give them your money ffs. If you want to see it so bad, buy a ticket for another movie that's playing at the same time.
Can't imagine why they don't want Zegler going aorund telling everyone how dated the original movie is and she don't need no prince but does hope half of America never no peace. Weird, weird.
This will be a big box office bomb, deservedly so!
4:23. I would not be surprised if they have a premiere only because it's in a contract somewhere, and maybe canceling the premiere fully would actually open up Disney for lawsuits from Zegler.
2:46 You just have to... love... people that complain about Gal Gadot serving in the IDF, without even taking 10 seconds to google and see if serving in the IDF is voluntary or mandatory. "Oh no, this actress has served in that army in that country where serving in the army is mandatory. How dare she!!!!"
Well Zieggler knows she will never know peace
Gal Godot had to serve in the military it's mandatory for her country. I wonder how many people know that?
Looking forward to seeing you on post premier๐.โค
Whistle while you Woke.
Ill take my VHS player and Disney VHS tapes out the attic, and just watch the original Snow White...I know it's somewhere upstairs...
She didn't want us to know peace because we don't vote her way.
People hating on someone who is Israeli and is Jewish, this feels like WW2 with people hating a certain group of people.
The CGI dwarves and countless versions of this story already are the real problem here. Peter Dinklage has certainly does as much damage as Zegler.
They can't blame YTers for this
Hollywood is flushing Rachel Zegler, awesome! ๐๐ #rachelzegler
Not gonna lie. But I miss when Mr. H made Lovecraftian videos.
If Disney had any brains, which they dont, they could have used this split between the actresses to their advantage having them promortin the movie from each characters perspective since its political. Gal could go as the queen rallying for her cause and Rachel as Snow white revolutionary rallying hers, that would have worked. But they are so creatively bankrupt.
Every Israeli citizen has two years of compulsory service in the IDF muppets
Future Hiring Manager 1: Who do we have next? Agent: Rachel Zegler. Future Hiring Manager 2: Weird. Future Hiring Manager 3: Weird. Agent: ...I'll see myself out.