
Such an amazing beginning of her comment; "my body was diagnozed with cancer" in stead of identifying with it. Those little details make the world of difference!


What a lovely lady!! Her testimonial is so valuable, thank you💕💕💕


❤Walking as your future self. I love this ❤. Thank you Linda  for your beautiful , inspiring testimony. Thank you Dr. Joe ❤


This had me crying. What people go thru and my physical challenge seems to minor comparatively speaking (yet it is still mine to overcome). I send Linda so much love.


I feel so happy for you, Linda! I was not as ill as you, but was headed downhill with COPD four years ago. Through Dr. Joe’s books and meditations I have reversed the progress of this deadly disease, which my doctor says is unheard of.   Thank you, Dr. Joe! I encourage everyone to keep up the good work!❤


I love her so much. She made me cry. What a beautiful lady and beautiful heart. Celebrating her healing ❤


Beautiful lady,  brought tears to my eyes.


So happy for her! I wish the team would have got her update because I’m sure she’s had her most recent scan before they uploaded this! Very curious how she’s doing now?!


Breathing issues are so tough. I know from experience. The shoulder pain from labored breathing... You can't eat. If you just eat slightly over what you should have, you can't breathe and it's just awful.  You can't even concentrate, forget meditating when you can't even breathe. I'm so glad she's healing and I hope it continues for her. I see her still struggling a little and I hope it only gets better for her. And we'll dome to her for doing the work ❤


God bless this lady we r all powerful beings n joes meditation r great :)❤


So wonderful!  You are DOING IT!  We are rooting for you!


Thank you! You are wonderful 😀


we’re grateful to have you in this community, thank you for sharing your truth with us


Good for you. Thank you for sharing and inspiring others through this video. 
Keep Celebrating!!!!!


Linda you are such a lovely soul! I teared up listening to your gratitude and I’m so very happy for you! I’m proud of you too! Thank you for lighting our way! 🥰🩵


Linda's words are so beautiful and so inspiring ❤


Thank you Linda & Dr Joe


❤ Right on 🥳, go Linda go 👏💚


God Bless You mam, your a witness of true belief who understand the workings of GOD 🙏 and the creative force of the Universe❤🤗


She’s beautiful! I’m so happy for her. 💕